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Linkie Winkies :) :)
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Welcome to...
Sabbies' Website
God you guys, i am so sorry about not updating this webpage but im making a new one ( and its not really finished yet. It's gonna look really cool maybe (well... it will be like heaven if you like CCS :) ) SORRY!! :)

Isn't this picture cute? :) 

Sign Sabs' Guestbook! | View Sabs' Guestbook!

So has this site sufficiently interested you into wanting my email address? Course not. Here it is anyway:

Wandering where my old webpage is? It's here at

people have indulged my attention seeking tendencies! :)

New stuff...

Friday, 6th July:
My Picture-Laden Bubblegum Crisis Fan Page
My Picture-Laden Dead Or Alive 2 Webpage

Mon, 9th April:
Yr 12 Ball Photos!!!
Victim of the Month: July-Jules+Annie

Thurs, 7th June:
Joss' Great New Page

Last Updated: Friday, 6th July 2001

To the Purple HazeTo the Pink HazeTo the HairTo the BrainTo the EyesTo the EyesTo the NoseTo the MouthTo the LungsTo the ElbowTo the ChinTo the ShoulderTo the HeartTo the HandsTo the HandsTo the Hip


A Crap Resume (I Got Bored)
What To Do In The Holidays
Victim Of The Month: April :)
Polls Page! :)
Recent Movie Reviews :)
A Really Random Page
Joss' Great New Webpage

If you're having trouble dealing with the imagemap on the left there, the instructions are as follows:

1. Run your mouse over the picture above!  2. Click on some part the interests you (if that's none, so be it :) ) 3. You will be taken to a page representing that body part. :) I know I'm a freak, and sign the guestbook!! :)
PS: The pink and purple dots can be pressed on!

I like this picture as well! :)

Trying To Find Someone's Webpage? Well it might be here...
Note:* indicates the page has been updated recently
This is for Ryan!
Agnes Ong
Agi's Guys Page
Another one of Agi's strange pages
Aleksia Barron
Aleksia's X-Files Page
Audrey Lau
Ben Haters Page
Caroline Rhodes
David Chai (this was put up recently)
Emily Collin
Grover's Magical Adventure (funny!)
Jie Xin Xu
Jocelyn Ong (OLDNESS)
Judy Ho (this page has tarepanda on it)
Julia Goolia GorHam (at least i think she updates it often)
Keelan Mullen (this is really old)
Keelan's Polls Page
Micheal Smith (this is really really old)
Stephen Chan
Suzanne Rofe (if it looks crap, its all my fault!!)
Mark Watkins (there's some really good quotes from me here, hehe)