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Welcome to the grand opening of.....

Apache11's Landing Pad

Now just look at this picture and tell me Apaches aren't awesome

This page is best viewed with 1024x800 resolution...please adjust your resolution now!
I am working on a site that supports 800x600 as well but this is the on that is going to be updated most frequently. I can not stress enough how much better everything looks with 1024x800 -not just on this page, but on the entire web. If you wish to check out my 800x600 mirror site, go here!
This page is full of great midis so CRANK IT UP!!

Hello and welcome to my homepage, the center place of assorted Apache information and any thing else that happens to catch my eye at the moment...Enjoy yourself! If you want to tell me how much this page bites, there's a link at the bottom. Oh, and one more thing, please do not use anything off this web page for yourself without my permission.
This page has lots of good stuff...but while your visiting be sure to remember that is page is still. Now, be sure to visit one of the links below

First and foremost is my truly (old) "KICK ASS ARCHIVE". Vote for your favorite kick ass stuff in assorted catagories.
And why not check out a neat little color changeon your way there?
APACHES, APACHES, APACHES! What kind of Apache freak would I be if I didn't include an Apache section on my page? Pictures, sounds and lots of info.
An AWESOME Humor Section!! Really, I worked very hard on it, and it's by far the best thing on this site!
LINKS! This is pretty self-explainatory, be sure to check it out.

About the author. As if you cared.

Email: Questions, comments, constructive critisism? Give me a shout at
Oh, and that music your listening to right now? Ya, that one. Well I'd like to thank Zelda Headquarters for that one as well as some of the other Midi files on this site. This page has received hits

This site was definately, I think it's obvious