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Social Workers are Angels at Work

By Lisa L. Jordan BSW (Clinical MSW Student)

~When anxiety looms, stop and take a deep breath. While you rest, angels will step in and restore serenity.~

Welcome Thoughts,

Have you ever felt that you were meant to do something? Or that you were right on the path of where you are meant to be? Social work is my calling. I love the dynamics and opportunites of growth that I gain from this profession. The clients I have worked with have so much hope and strength to offer this world. I am blessed with the the chance to help them get in touch with themselves. A true gift.

As I look back at the path I have made i truly have been blessed with a rich life. All the mountains and mole hills have enriched me with a great knowledge of myself, others, and life. After all, adversities in life can be a challenge to gain personal growth.

I would love to give back to the world and touch others as I have been touched by the individuals who believed and had faith in me. This is the true gift of giving.

I hope this site will offer you insight, knowledge, strength, hope, and peace.

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To the "Virtual Nurse"