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The Virtual Nurse


Certified Nursing Assistants

From the mouth of a former Nursing Home CNA .......Who is now, still a CNA but also a Psych Tech.

July 22, 2000

Observation Part I As a Certified Nursing Assistant, you are an advocate for the resident. They rely on you to take care of them even when they are unable to tell you something is wrong. Observations made by you, reported to the nurse or appropriate department, and documented correctly can make a difference in the type of care a resident receives. It may prevent a condition from becoming worse. You truly are the extended eyes, ears, nose and hands of the nurse.

The word observation makes us think of looking. You should be looking for physical as well as psychological changes. How you observe, what you observe, when and how you report it can make the difference in you being a "technical" aide or an intrinsic part of the health care team. It takes a team approach to give the personal care and attention our residents need and deserve. The nurse relies on your skills of observation.

To be continued...Cookie CNA
Thank you Valerie Winston for sharing (=;


The privilege of caring for our impaired senior citizens can be so very rewarding as well as a tremendous learning experience.

One of the things that helped me to feel good about what I was doing was to imagine how I would want my own mother to be treated if she were in a nursing home situation. No one looks forward to living dependant on the help and moods of others.

I think that if you go into the nursing home with a positive and LOVING attitude, you will succeed in making the residents and yourself feel needed, loved, and important. Ask the residents questions.

I know it is always busy, busy, busy...and there is NEVER enough staff...ASK ANYONE!!!!! But, talk and LISTEN while you are changing the bed or brushing those dentures. And above all...SMILE! Never walk into a room without a smile on your face...even if you don't feel like it!!! It is so important. Don't be afraid to be a little goofy too! The residents love a good laugh...especially at someone elses expense!!! lol

Listen to what they tell you. You will learn a lot...experience, history,romance and adventure!!! ENJOY YOUR PEOPLE!!!!

More next time....(=: Cookie, CNA/PT

More writings by Cookie Henson, CNA/PT

Updated July 22, 2000