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That's right all. I'm back.
I'm bigger. I'm whiter. I'm The One And Only.

Let's see. School's out, summer is in full swing. I'm single, which is both a blessing and curse in itself. I'm glad I got outta my relationship, but I don't like hunting for chix :-P heh, ANYWAYS, I'm workin a lot, which is fantastic. I got into a car club, Untouchable Creationz, represent. We're always at Sanctuary parking lot every Saturday nights if ya wanna come and check us out. Never2Low and Roll Modelz show up sometimes and Local Legends is always there. It's pretty damn exciting, there are some CRAZY rides out there. So that about sums up my summer so far. Again, anyone call me if ya wanna do sumtin, it's hard to get around my work schedule, but if I like u enough, I'll work it.
All right, everybody BE SAFE... you can party, but just be careful and don't get self-destructive. Protect yourself and watch out for ur buddies. TRU



OK, my HTML scriptin has never been that wonderful, and I sure ain't takin the time to perfect it NOW, so just deal with my pathetic webpages. I dish out weeks to make em, and I know, they do suck. But they provide entertainment and I enjoy making people happy. Or scaring them, either or.

Check it:
Lot O Pictures
Angelfire shut down this site because they said it was "taking up too much bandwith." So dont' ask me to be on it anymore, cuz I can't log in the account anymore. However, oddly enough, they allowed the site to stay online. Go figure.
Completed May 25, 2002

New Years 2001/2002
Me and Aeon's home alone New Years bash!! Whoopty wuuuut!
Completed January 13, 2002

Stories to Haunt You
A small but (not) growing collection of stories, quotes, essays, whatever, to occupy your mind for hours. This will probably never be updated again.
Completed May 06, 2001

Kyle and 13R1AN's Adventure
A wonderful story of 2 men on their journey to have fun on a Winter Break. Definately the most wonderful. I used ingenius techniques that makes it load 4x faster than my previous sites. GO ME.
Completed March 4, 2001

The Dissin Site
I do not endorse this site. I made it to let off steam. This site is not school appropriate and I do not recommend anyone ever go. Yet I made it, so it shall be posted. Also, you gotta be on cable modem for it to ever load. Trust me. I made it that way.
Completed January 25, 2000

The Cheese Site
People really liked this. I don't know, I thought it wuz kinda dumb, but it wuz fun to do. I might do another some day. Naaw, prolly not.
Completed February 12, 1999

13R1AN'S Page O Stuff
My oldest and first site. This site was shut down a long time ago for much the same reason my Pic Site. It was too big and once the net started costing money for every click u made, I had to let it be shut down.
Completed October 23, 1998

Copyright 13R1AN Industries

Last Updated: June 03, 2003

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Email me at or IM me on AIM as Semper13R1AN.