Join The Skittles Clique!!

Please pick only ONE to join that best describes you!!
Hey y'all, guess what? Because we are very lazy, we have decided to stop linking everyone. But we'd still like you to fill out the form if you join. We'd just like to know which cliques are the most popular and keep tabs on things.

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I'm hyper!!"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I'm L A Z Y"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I'm friendly :)"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I'm CrEaTivE"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="My head's in the clouds"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I'm shy"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> img src="" border=0 alt="I'm INDEPENDENT"></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I'm a spoiled brat."></a></center>

<center><a href=""> <img src="" border=0 alt="I am an angst-ridden goth"></a></center>
These look best on a black or dark colored page.

To join fill out this form!

I want to Join this Clique

Your URL
Your email address
Your name
Your Age
Whats the URL of the page you will put the image on?
Which ONE clique did you pick?
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*You are listening to Axelf*