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Toler Family Newsletter

March, April & May 2003

Relative News!

First I would like to say I’m sorry
that this newsletter is so late.
I had some major computer problems
this is the fourth time I have typed
the newsletter up I have lost the newsletter
the other 3 times. I had it almost
ready 2 times and lost it and completed
1 time ready to print and my computer crashed.
So I had to completely
start over. Don’t you just love these
things sometimes. Ha Ha!! Well
enough about this stupid computer and on with
the relative news. We would like to
take this time to congratulate Scott
& Leslie (Stewart)Burchett on the birth
of their first child, a little girl,
Adrianna Rose. She was born on September
3, 2002 at 1:12 p.m., she weighed 6
pounds 7.3 ounces. She is the
granddaughter of Gary & Rhonda Stewart
and the great-granddaughter of the
late Herndon & Earnie Stewart and the
late Chap & Lydia Toler. Sorry this
is late but I didn’t receive
the news until October and then I forgot
to put it in the December newsletter, Sorry
about that. We would also like to congratulate
Kristia Whittington Williamson on the birth of her son
Zackary Dwayne, he was born on February 14
and he weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces
and was 19 inches long. Zackary
is the grandson of Hobert & Leona Morgan
& the late Homer Whittington and the
great-grandson of the late Hugh & Juanita
Toler and the great great-grandson of the
late Chap & Lydia Toler. We would also
like to congratulate Mark & Kim Adkins on
the birth of their daughter Alexis Kimberly,
she was born on March 22 and she
weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces and was
17 inches long. Alexis is the granddaughter
of Clarence (Cag) & Lula Belle Toler
and the great granddaughter of the late
Lonnie & Pearl Toler and the great
great granddaughter of the late
Chap & Lydia Toler. We also have
some more good news to pass along.
Bobby & Lisa Bolen are expecting
their third child in September(?) as far
as I know. I haven’t heard any
different on her due date as of yet.
Just wanted to let Congratulate these
people!!! Also let’s continue to
remember all those who are sick
that they will get well soon.
God Bless and Take Care. Carol

Zackary Dwayne Williamson

As of February 26th there was a total of
$105.85 in our treasury after a
deduction of $40.80 for postage of
the December newsletter. Any and all
donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Reunion 2003!
The 2003 Toler Family Reunion will
be on Saturday, June 28th at the
Gilliand Park (Oceana Laurel Park) in
Oceana at the same shed as
the 2002 reunion. We missed those
of you who couldn’t make it
to this years reunion and loved seeing
all of you who did make it to
the reunion. Anyone wishing to help me
with the reunion please feel free
to let me know. Your help is
greatly needed and appreciated!!
Hope to see you all at the reunion!!
Carol Your Editor
Anyone wishing to help me in
anyway can get in touch
with me at (304)682-5862,
email me at
or mail me at my address:
Carol Hoosier
Rt. 971 P.O. Box 412
Lynco, WV 24857
Thanks, Carol

Birthdays for the month of March are: Keith Kelso - 1, John
Tilley - 2, Bob Toler - 5, Nathaniel Toler - 5, Anna Hopkins -
10, Teena Dean - 15, Sarah Dean - 15, Lannie Hoosier, Sr. -
15, Anna Hopkins - 10, Chris R. Toler - 18, Christopher S.
Toler - 18, Millie Jenkins - 18, Andy Wilson - 21, Katelin
Toler - 22, Diana Massey - 24, Lula Belle Toler - 25, Sarah
Fore - 25, William Toler - 27, Deborah Atwell - 27, Rachael
Jeffery - 29 and Brenda Harvey - 29.

Birthdays for the month of April are: Tonya Toler - 2, Rodney
Toler - 2, Wayne Burgess - 3, Jennifer Richardson - 3, Drew
Hill - 6, Leona Morgan - 6, Dewayne Dean - 7, Katie Bolen -
9, Sandra Toler - 9, Madaline Kelso - 10, Joshua Jenkins - 11,
Kaylee Stewart - 11, Paul J. Toler - 11, Stephanie Mayhorn -
12, Glenn Whittington - 12, Gary Stewart - 14, Rebecca Blackburn -
17, Miranda Toler - 17, Brandon Reed - 18, Rick Dyson - 23,
Gracie Dyson - 23, Kenneth Blackburn -23,
Aaron Nieto -25 and Harriet Doss - 29.

Birthdays for the month of May are: Bret Pittman - 2,
Kathleen Doak - 2, Renee’ Nichols - 4,
Hannah Toler - 4, Amy Hill - 4,
Stephen Burgess - 6, Hobert Morgan - 10,
Katrina McIntyre - 12, TJ Niday - 14,
Daniel Barker - 14, Kyle Toler - 16,
India Kiser - 17, Lori Toler - 20,
Jason Hooker - 23, Marcia Hill - 24,
Lisa Bolen - 24, Roger Dean - 25,
Erma Toler - 26, DA Wilson - 26,
Nancy Toler - 26, Pansy Toler - 28,
Matthew Toler - 31 and Rhonda Stewart - 31.

We would like to wish those having a birthday during these months a
Happy Birthday!!! If I have left anyone out please accept my
apologies. Let me know when your birthday is and I’ll put it in with
the rest of my information. Thank You!

Anniversaries for the month of March are:
Jason & Heather Toler -11,
Everett & Gracie Dyson - 14,
Bobby & Gail Hopkins - 16,
Patrick & Holly Toler - 17,
John & Millie Jenkins - 19,
Mark & Kathy Walls - 22 and
Conley & Daphine Dean - 24.

Anniversaries for the month of April are:
Rick & Nena Dyson - 2,
Ken & Nancy Fore - 3,
Brian & Cheryl Pierson - 5,
Bobby & Melissa Palazzolo - 10,
Joshua & Melissa Jenkins - 12,
UJ & Marie Toler - 14,
Tony & Crystal Meade - 17 and
Keith & Cemantha Mayhorn - 20.

Anniversaries for the month of May are:
Allen & Pollyann Stone - 6,
Eddie & Teena Dean - 6,
Gregory & Susan Toler - 14,
Chris & Patricia Toler - 17 and
Jack & Sharmaine Baker - 27.

We would like to wish those having an anniversary during these
months a Happy Anniversary!!! If I have left anyone out please
accept my apologies. Let me know when your anniversary is and I’ll
put it in with the rest of my information. Thank You!

Happy Mother's Day
"We only have One Mom, One Mommy,
One Mother in this World, One life.
Don't wait for the Tomorrow's
to tell Mom, you love her"

God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
--Pat O'Reilly

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"
A word that means the world to me.
--Howard Johnson

As I look back on my life
I find myself wondering...
Did I remember to thank you
for all that you have done for me?
For all of the times you were by my side
to help me celebrate my successes
and accept my defeats?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
good judgement, courage, and honesty?
I wonder if I've ever thanked you
for the simple things...
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared?
If I have forgotten to express my gratitude
For any of these things,
I am thanking you now...
and I am hoping that you've known all along,
how very much you are loved and appreciated.
~Author Unknown~
Remembering those that have went on before us.
You are forever in our hearts and thoughts.

If I have left anyone out please accept
my apologies. Let me know
who they are and I’ll put it
in with the rest of my information. Thank You!


We would like to take this moment to
Congratulate our graduates. There is two that
I know of for sure and that is
Shelly Lusk and Aaron Nichols.
Shelly is the daughter of Delmas
& Linda Lusk, of Lewisburg,
WV and the granddaughter
of the late Herndon & Earnie Stewart
and the great granddaughter of the
late Chap & Lydia Toler. Aaron is
the son of Barry & Renee’ Nichols
of Vine Grove, KY and the grandson of
Conley & Daphine Dean and the great
grandson of Lonnie & Pearl Toler
and the great great grandson of
the late Chap & Lydia Toler.
And the other one I’m not sure
about is Terra Stewart.
Terra is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Terry Stewart,
of King George, VA and the
granddaughter of the late Herndon
& Earnie Stewart and the great granddaughter
of the late Chap & Lydia Toler.
Hope I have all the information
right. If not I’m sorry. Congratulations!!!
We’re Proud of you!!!

Shelly Lusk

Aaron Ray Nichols

Happy Easter
When Christ was on earth, the dogwood grew
To a towering size with a lovely hue.
Its branches were strong and interwoven
And for Christ's cross its timbers were chosen.
Being distressed at the use of the wood
Christ made a promise which still holds good:
"Not ever again shall the dogwood grow
To be large enough for a tree, and so
Slender and twisted it shall always be
With cross-shaped blossoms for all to see.
The petals shall have bloodstains marked brown
And in the blossom's center a thorny crown.
All who see it will think of me,
Nailed to a cross from a dogwood tree.
Protected and cherished this tree shall be
A reflection to all of my agony."
~~Author Unknown~~
The Old Rugged Cross
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
The emblem of suffering and shame;
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,
Has a wondrous attraction for me;
For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above
To bear it to dark Calvary.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,
A wondrous beauty I see,
For ’twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,
To pardon and sanctify me.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;
Its shame and reproach gladly bear;
Then He’ll call me some day to my home far away,
Where His glory forever I’ll share.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.

Hope you all a Happy Easter
and God Bless You All!!
Here’s a little something extra for the Nascar
Fans out there! My parents,
sister & me got the opportunity to
meet Ward Burton on January 30th
in Beckley at the Grand Opening of
Schewels Furniture Store. We all got
to meet Ward and get his autograph. It
was a very exciting experience. That
is the first time we have ever
got to meet a Nascar driver. Just
thought I would include the
pictures for those of you who
would like to see them. I got a
couple of Ward but of course
he looked down when they were
snapped. The one taken from the side
view he had just handed me back my
car that I had taken for him to
sign for me. Hope you enjoy
the pictures!! Carol

Pray For Our Troops and Our Country.
God Bless America

Toler Tree Natives

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