A big, fat, doo-doo head!

A big, fat, doo-doo head!

Recently I have been noticing that America's intelligence is plummeting and swirling down the toilet of idiocy. Just today I heard the stupidest thing any one has said in the world! EVER!! It was...and I quote..."If it wasn't for school, I wouldn't get such bad grades." OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T GET SUCH BAD GRADES!!!!! IF IT WEREN'T FOR SCHOOL, THERE WOULD BE NO GRADES!!!!!!!! That would be like me walking up to Mike and saying..."If it wasn't for my penis, I would be a woman."

But you know how I could truthfully phrase that statement? Like this, "If it wasn't for my penis, I wouldn't have to lie to women." It's true. When we talk hot girls we might as well be going, "Blah blah blah bloo you have nice boobies blah blah blah blah." I mean come on some of you girls have got to stop listening to us. I wasn't an honorary member of the Air Force. I was just trying to impress you, and it worked.

But back on the subject, what is going on with you, America (like Matthew Gibson, 306 White Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554) just keeps getting fatter, lazier, and above all dumber. I mean you people are the ones who voted for Bush. You guys picked a president who uses words like, nucular, or coinstancuary, or even posilutely. He amazingly looks like a monkey, and whenever Ahab the Arab pisses him off he goes around flinging poop everywhere. What the hell is the matter with you people!!! I can't even think straight because I'm afraid this shit is contagious and right now I working up suit so I won't get it, I'll see you all later, I gotta go formulate.