Sexual Reproduction


alright i know basically everyone that reads this goes to west side so u know what im talkin about. Another thing is that most of you have Mrs. Burns. ok well she is really freakin me out with all this sexual reproduction crap. like i mean in school if i went around the class room sayin penis and vagina i would so get bitched at but like mrs burns is like sayin it and we are makin jokes and shes all laughin and stuff. Like the other day she came back to where i sit and asked Melissa Hartley if she had ever seen a dick before which i was just dieing laughing at but yea she didnt find it to funny. I mean im havin alot of fun just makin fun of this but she gets all mad at me cuz shes all into it and shit.

MAN SHE IS SICK!! I really dont care about how big her cervix got when she had her baby. I dont care what they had to do to her to get her baby out. She is all explaining it to everyone and yea now its makin me think about it so im gonna go puke.......

BLAH!!! To late...

o one more thing before i go i gotta tell a this thing.....

Ok now who wants to hear a WHOREmoan joke? lol if u cant figure it out ur stupid