I am an angry individual

Howdy howdy fuckin partners

we are finally back and somethin unusuall happened...im pissed off. To start down the list of things that are pissing me off is school. I mean lets face it, its school but my schedule is gay. I gotta wake up in the morning to walk to into the class of the most ginormous and uguliest things and one of the pages biggest enemies, Casto the Hutt. As i walk in the room everyday i get bitched at and run to my chair in fear of her trying to eat me or something. Then as i sit there and try to sleep during the Channel Faggot news she shreaks at me to "wake up and watch the news thats what its on for." As the day goes on it doesnt get much better cuz school is gay and then i have to stay after school everyday to condition. Conditioning is the so queer cuz by about 5 minutes into it im dripping in sweat and im ready to fall over and die and its not over for another hour and 25 minutes and there is always the factor of the bald guy yelling at u to work harder come on faster do better i mean fuck i just wanna be like "hey, fuck u! u do this shit and ill stand there and yell at u the whole time and dont give me ur shit about u already doing it i dont care and grow some hair dammit" Well besides that there is so much other shit and one last specific to point out is my favorite thing to bitch about...women. women have to people the most confusing thing on the planet. I could understand a wall better then i could a woman. they are always pissed off at u for somethin and they never wanna tell u what it is but u do it again and its like shit what the hell did u expect if u dont tell me what the hell i did. and if this pisses ne women off bring ur shit cuz i feel like yell at some1. o and yea it hurts to get shot in the chin with a paintball...kyle u bastard...