Why cows will rule the world!


Cows, the unknown threat.  These Bovine war machines are on the attack, and nobody even sees it comming.  I, Mike, am here to proove to you Cows are the the threat, not Aliens...

Moo.  Just the noise a Cow makes, correct?  Wrong.   they are secretly planning to take over the world by letting you think you can boss them around.  Sending in Agents willing to become burgers so they can learn more about you.  And it all happens in the barn

The Barn, a place to keep animals, or a top secret planning headquarters for the bovine kind?  Personally, I think it's the the headquarters one.  They're secretly putting chemicals into they're own kind, so that when you eat them, you become a mindless zombie who buys little cow trinkits and thinks we should all become vegitarians...  Devious.  When they have everyone under their control, they will rise up, and call themselves the Da-MOO-nican Republic. (Note: to anyone who got that joke, you're to smart to be here)  Bottom line, when you go to McDonalds, or any fast food place, look at the people serving you food, if they look like this:

Get out of the Restraunt and Blow it up, it's your duty as an American Citizen.  And Finally, Proof that Cows will Rule the Earth, scroll down to see...  Warning, if you are Blonde or Pregnant, you should not scroll past this point...



