Life as a Cartoon

It's a Looney Tune Life...

Bugs Buny, Daffy Duck, Tweety (who is a BOY), and Elmer Fudd. These names bring back great memories of simpler times. While watching these classics the other day I realized, 'Wouldn't it be great to be a cartoon?' Think about it for a minute. If you were a cartoon, you could do anything! Like if you fell, there would be a Mike shaped hole in the ground. You could pull out a bucket of paint from off screen and paint a tunnel or a Wendys... Wunna skip class? No problem, INVISABLE INK! Someone pissing you off? Toss a little black whole under them, GONE! Hey, we can run off a cliff and just keep going, as long as we don't look down... Guns wouldn't be a problem! Shoot someone and all that happens it that they become black, or their face spins around. We'd have a never ending supply of signs with things written on them. Think of how much fun you wouldn have in a hallway with doors in it. Go n one door, come out on the other side off the hallway. But what's the downside to a cartoon world? Well, there would always be some sort of monster after you. And a bighand with a pencil could erase you. I think thegood outweighs the bad. WE SHOULD LIVE IN A CARTOON!