Josh Likes Pie

You know, I was looking over my past rants just a little while ago...

And I realized that most of them just sucked…
  Man, when I hear people say that they could be living the life of Riley, I really want to know who this riley guy is because it sounds like he has a pretty nice life.  My life ain’t been going so well lately but don’t worry, the police are still on alert and I’m still getting my kicks.  It’s just that the Skatepark has been taking a long time to get done, my arm has been broken for 9 weeks, the Dr. Mario machine at Wings Ole’ that had my initials as the high score is gone, I got slapped by my ex-girlfriend 2 weeks ago, my Ice Cream I hid in the freezer mysteriously disappeared, my skateboard is about to snap in half, I’ve been undergoing electroshock therapy for my arm which is pretty cool all in all, and I lost my CD case.  You might be saying, "gee, that guy needs to get a lucky rabbits dick or whatever it is that’s lucky," but you see, this is a test.

  I know I only have one purpose on this earth, and that is to serve God and worship him and I think he’s trying to show me that this material life I am living doesn’t matter.  Now that doesn’t mean I’m gonna give up the remote control without a fight, but I does mean I am not going to care as much about all these so called important things of this world and I’ma read my bible a lot more.  It’s actually pretty cool.  There’s a flood, this guy gets eaten by a fish, and these three guys walk into a fire and don’t get hurt.  Hey, and guess what?  Christmas is like in 6 months!!  But back to the other stuff – Me, Brandon, Big Bossman Mr. Mike, and Facemire took a day off and went riding on some jet-skis and also went out tubing for a good long while.  There were some pretty gnarly wrecks and some other good surprises waiting for us in that tube going 45 mph.  After that we went inside, played Grand Theft Auto 3 for about an hour and mike then discovered his life’s purpose…so it was no big dealeo.  Then mike changed his pants, we played some guitar, went to see Austin Powers 3 with Rizzo and Jason, and then……..I dunno. 

I think I hit a wall in the dark or something and just fell asleep……probably.  It was really weird, because when I got up, I was in a hotel room with Pamela Anderson and Sarah Michelle Gellar on either side……….and then I woke up, hit my head on the underside of the kitchen table, and I think I fell asleep again…   Tubing and Sour Patch Kids do not mix, kids…  

And as my final quote, as the great master Bruce Lee once said…   "If you are going to train without the concept that this is the real thing, you are short-changing yourself. When you kick or punch the bag, you have to imagine that you are actually hitting an adversary. Really concentrating, putting 100 percent in your kicks and punches, is the only way you are going to be good."

    ……………………………………………….i don’t know how that relates to what I just said but oh well, Enter the Dragon was like the best movie ever.  Every time I watch it I get so fired up that I break something…