Why is this Called 'Brandon Domico'?

Okay, first off

Let me put this rant into conext for you... So there we are, Mike and Brandon, filled with long john silvers goodness, slumped back on a couch wearing pirate hats. Paint a pretty picture for you? I thought it might. So anyway, the night before, I had made lunch plans with a good friend of mine, Stacey. Well, she didn't call, or so I thought, so that is why Brandon and I went and ate the long johns instead of Stacey and I stuffing our faces with the yummy fishes... Make any sense? So anyway, I had opened up one of Brandon's old rants still saved on my computer and had written Stacey's number in it to to give her a call. So I saved that document as 'Brandon Domico' which is what the name of his rant had been... Okay, so as if this isn't confussing enough, Brandon opens this file while I was peeing in a near by hole. So anyway, he becomes angry, as brandon usually does, that a document with his name is filled with a phone number that is not his own... So here you are, the NEW contents of that document, written by Brandon... Oh boy...

why is this called brandon domico?

cuz it shouldn’t be called brandon domico. It should be called stacy’s phone number, not brandon domico. This is obviously not and never was brandon domico for if it was brandon domico it would be the biggest pimp ever and would have a huge penis just like the real brandon domico, who is obviously my dady. My name is mike baker . I have no male genitalia. It makes me sad

on another note brandon was right about the rainbow forming after it rained while the sun was out. Once again this proves his awesomeness that I obviously do not posses. That is why all women autonatically flock away from my lacking of the male genitalia and go starit to his large and fullfilling man shlaung. I often try to make up for lacking of this greatness by belittleing pimp brandon. After I do this I realize what I have done and bend over to take it in the proper places, I mean asshole, cuz I am gay, and I like back mean most of all, cuz their penises rape me good. I often have to yell at my penis just to get it erect “Get up baby! Get up baby!” I was not always like this I at one time was strait but decided strait people are gay so I am obviously gay and take it in the ass. Ask me when ever you want cuz if you are a guy I will gladly screw you “ Hey you ! Black man over there, in the car. Yeah you I am talkin to you. Give me your asshole I want it bad to satisffy my homosexual needs”

Okay... well... As you may or may not be wondering... ABout the rainbow... I had been playing a video game while Brandon was writing this an noticed that in the game it was raining and the sun was out... He said it was to make a rainbow and I did not notice said rainbow... Only 10 minutes after that exchange did a rainbow make it's pressence known to my video gaming eyes... yeah... That sounds good...

I hate you...