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My History Page

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It is my hope to provide a place for Native American folks to stop and enjoy for a while. In the future I hope to have many graphics and photos along with plenty of NA music. If you are like me, I relax and reflect while listening to the music of my people. I am just a part Cherokee however I consider myself total. I do not know how far back my roots go but the story my grandmother told me many years ago identified the fact of our Cherokee ancestry. I hope you all will bear with me since I have just started this page (May 2005), and time is limited. If anyone has anything to contribute please email it to me. Thanks for your patience and I hope to see you back real soon. Shyfire My pages are currently under construction. If you have any Native American history snippets long or short, please email them to me at:

The Native American

Other Places

Cherokee History
Photo Album
My Vitamin Program
My Online Business