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This page is about our life in the Coal Camp at Sherman Junior High School. We created  some of the  places  from an old fashioned Coal Camp.We dressed up like they did  back in the early 1900's and had our pictures made.

There were a lot of things going on the whole day and all the students had a great time.

We turned our entire school into a coal camp. We had a Company Store where you could buy all kinds of food-popcorn, "penny" candy, PICKLES (yum!), fudge...

We had a church room, where we learned that the Church  was usually in the same building as the school only on the weekends. The Church and school was only a one room house.

We also had a toy room where we made yarn dolls. Everyone made their own toys then.

We had a quilting room where we had a "quilting bee". We put some cool stiches into that quilt!

There was a game room where we played checkers and marbles.

In the front porch room, we heard an old time story teller. And we had a history room, where we learned about Boone County's early families.

The Museum room had a lot of artifacts like, old canning jars, a corn husker, a kraut chopper and an apple butter stirrer. We had a demonstration on coal mine safety equipment and got to look at a model of a coal mine in the museum as well.

We had an old fashioned school-room, complete with spelling bee and that tall pointed hat in the corner...oh yea, they called that a "dunce cap". (Times sure have changed!)

We had a Mountain Plant and Flower room where we learned about mountain plants...anyone interested in a "mess of poke greens"?

The gym was our "barn" with old-time music with guitars, mandolins and vocals about coal mining life.

We had a great time in doing this day and we hope you like our webpage.

Our teachers wrote and received a grant from CEDAR, (Coal Education development and Resource of Southern West Virginia, Inc.) to finance our Coal Camp Day and we say thanks to CEDAR, our teachers AND especially ALL of our presentors for Coal Camp Day!
Click here to find out more about CEDAR.

Click on the links below to explore our web pages about Southern West Virginia.
Click here to visit Sherman Junior High Coal Camp.
Note: this page was created by Sherman Junior students and is still under construction. Check back for more pages to be added.

Daniel Boone
History of Coal

Boone County History

More Boone County History
Famous Boone Countians

Boone County Attractions

What Coal Miners Do

Jacob's Family and Coal

About Coal Camps

Coal Camp Life

Billy's Poems about Mining and West Virginia

Drake's Poems

Russell's Poem about Mining

Alyson and Cody's Stories from Boone County

Melissa and Drake's Stories from Boone County

Genna and Stephanie's Stories from Boone County

Michael and Shane's Stories from Boone County

Emily and Cicelly's Stories from Prenter
Sherman in the 70's & 80's

Prenter Coal Camp
Coal Camp in Dorchester, Virginia

Web index designed by: Tara and Courtney