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Shelly Burnside


Work Philosophy

Academic and Career Goals


Contact Information

About Me

The Basics

I am a student at Mountain State University. This is my fourth year, and this website is a project for a class called Senior Capstone.

I've had a few majors during my time here at MSU, mostly because as an underclassman, I wasn't sure what I wanted to be when I grew up! I went from being in forensic investigation to environmental studies to elementary education, and finally landed in the business school to study entrepreneurship. When I began my business courses, I realized that business was where I wanted to stay. So here I am four years later, and ready to graduate!

So of course, the biggest question on my mind now is: What in the world am I going to do when I get out of school? No homework, no classes, no tests... What will I do with all that time? Well, the answer that I've fallen into recently is that I would like to go into pharmaceutical sales.

I chose pharmaceutical sales for a few different reasons. First, of the jobs I've had in the past, sales was my favorite. It involves different skills and sales tactics that changes with each person that you meet. Another reason for this choice is that I have worked in a pharmacy for three years, so I've already gotten my feet wet, at least in the retail aspect of pharmaceuticals. And of course, the last reason is the financial benefits that come along with being a great salesperson in a great company and industry. Overall, I think this field of work is challenging, as well as rewarding. I believe I would be an asset to any pharmaceutical sales company.

Please feel free to look around my website to learn more about me. If you would like more information, please contact me. I would be happy to hear from you!