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This is a section dedicated to some of the stuff skinheads wear. Its not some sort of gospel, so dont take my word as final. Oh, and if you wanna see some pictures of this shit click here. --Kodi

Probably one of the most important parts of the skinhead uniform. Back in the first wave (around '69), about any kind of leather lace-up boot would work. After being classified as weapons, the style became Doc Martens because they were comfortable as hell, came in good colors and were quite durable. Today, the most popular colors are black, red, and oxblood (a dark reddish brown). Other colors are available. Most popular are 8-10 hole (as far as I know) while 14 are in large numbers, although 14+ holes are mainly worn by boneheads. Keep your boots SHINY! The shinier the better. For oxblood,use a neutral wax, or alternate between red and black polish. Also...if you can, get steel caps. Never know when you might need them. Here are some other makes of boots you'll find skinheads wearing:
Grinders: Respectable make of boots coming in a wide range of colors and eyelettes. A bit more costly mainly because all models come with steel caps. Let the bovver begin.
Rangers: I've never owned a pair, but I hear good things. Like the Grinders they come in wide selection. Their red and blue being most popular I believe. I heard Rangers are popular with the gay skinhead crowd. I dont know why, though.

Jeans, like boots, are worn by all skinheads. They're a must. Sometimes replaces with slacks (in the case of a tonic, or other kinds of suits). Before Levi's were the best choice Lee and Wrangler were widely worn. Still are, though Levi's are probably most popular. Levi's red tab, 501's more specifically. Either rolled up (or cut/shortened) to show off most of the boots and, maybe, laces (for a statement...more on this later). Sometimes you'll see the whole boot exposed but usually they're turned up to right above yer ankle. The jeans were meant to be worn lower in the waist, but we tend to wear them high, which brings us to our next item...

Also known to the unitiated here in the States as "suspenders." They're called braces because, in England, "suspenders" is what we Americans would call a garder belt. See where the confusion would come in? By far, the most popular variation is the thin, half inch or so ones. Although 3/4-1 inch have been seen before. Boneheads have some color-coding system for them, but you know what? Boneheads sniff glue. Most popular colors are black, white or red. I've owned a pair of burgandy ones before, and I've seen some skins with blue braces. Not an absolute must-have, but pretty important.

There's a lot of different kinds of shirts popular with different skins, so I'm gonna list the major ones that you'll see just about anywhere.
T-Shirts You'll see these most often I think. Usually those of bands, but sometimes slogans and declarations (i.e. "EMO SUCKS" or "SKINHEADS - Still alive and kickin'!").
Ben Sherman Ben Sherman was some Canadian guy who wanted to market his button-downs. He made a wise choice becasue these are one of the most popular shirts worn by skinheads the world-over. They come in all kinds of colors and designs. They even have SLIM FIT, and some polo shirts.
Fred Perry Another classic. Polos, cardigans, pull overs, jackets, sweaters. They have a lot of stuff worn by a lot of people; Mods, Skins, Suedes. Fred was a tennis player (a good one, from what I hear) who lent his name to the clothes. These are expensive, and somewhat rare. Check out The Last Resort shop and Crash And Burn, Atlanta to get ahold of some.
Lonsdale A boxing supply kind of company from London. They got v-necks, polos, T-shirts, skull caps, and some other cool stuff. The Last and Crash & Burn had some last I checked.

Jackets have always been pretty popular with skinheads, and mods before then & the suedeheads after. Here's some notable kinds you'll see:
Harrington Jackets Made popular by some guy from British TV. A basic looking jacket. The black, red and blue being most popular
Denim jackets Self-explanitory. A Levi's denim jacket is a great addition to any skin's wardrobe. I like how well they hold patches & the like.
MA-1 Flight jackets U.S. Air Force flight jackets, by Alpha preferably are a awesome article of clothing. Warm, good-looking, and comfortable. Most popular colors are sage green, blue, black and burgandy. Boneheads seem to take a liking to the black ones...nothing wrong with taking it back though.
Donkey jackets A long, heavy wool material coat with deep pockets and a plastic, leather or vinyl area on the shoulders and upper back. This was used for coal miners and other workers to rest their tools on without fucking up the material. Very nice.

Suits were worn by Rude Boys, Mods the Hard Mods that came before Skins. So naturally, skinheads wear them a decent amount too. The two basic types you'll see are tonic suits and just a black and white suit (not a tuxedo!) with shortened sleeves and pant legs. Top of with some shades, maybe, and a pair of shiny brogues (steel toed, of course) or some boots you'll be looking "the business" and ready for a night out.

The color of the laces in your boots can mean more than you think. Some people wear them to make a statement, others wear them just 'coz they like the color. In the case of the former, the colors mean a lot of different things in a lot of different places. So here's SOME things they can mean in some places.
Black This usually means freshcut (a new skin) or "I just got these boots and I havent got other laces yet" or even "I could give a fuck about what color my boot laces are!"
White If you asked most people what this was for they were quickly tell you "White power" but I've heard of skins from NY and New England wearing the white laces in defiance. I know thats why I do. Dont assume either the case without talking to the skin first.
Red Communism, RASH, Redskin, Leftist politics, boneheads wear it for something about being willing to bleed for their make believe "Aryan race"
Blue This can mean sXe(straightedge), it can mean cop killer, or even anarchy.
Yellow I've heard yellow meaning anarchy, looking for ultra-violence (murder, rape etc), being and Asian basher, or liking bannanas.
Pink Gay skinhead, or "Queer basher". Even "Queers bash back" Not neccessarily for gay skins in the latter case, but supporting them.
Green I've heard all kinds of stuff for this one; Ska fan, SHARP (?), environmentalist, celtic pride
Orange An FAQ once said this meant "Biohazard fan". I assume they were joking...

Not really clothing, but cropped (short-cut) hair is, so you would think, extremely important. Today using the electric razor without and attachment seems popular, while back in the day any length up to a number 5 was acceptable. If you have a fucked up looking head get a crew cut...I know some people that look like monks unless they have a crew cut. There's some people that think you can be a skinhead with having a full head of greasy hippie hair. Yeah fuckin right! If you're not devoted enough to chop off some hair, maybe this isnt for you, bucko!