Director: Nancy Lents

Welcome to Ronda Apostolic Church Missions!

Ronda Apostolic Church endeavors to reach the lost wherever they may be. Currently we support 35 Partners in Missions around the world. Support includes but is not limited to monthly financial offering, prayers, cards, letters, or phone calls. Visiting missionaries and their families are welcomed and assisted in every means where we are able: meals, lodging, fellowship and prayer for special needs.

Over the past years we have visited the mission fields to offer support and encouragement to those in foreign service. Those we have visited include Missionaries Kelley, Latta, Robinson, Harris, McFarland, Turner, Cooney, Green, Thompson, Schneider & Orcutt.

Missionary Familles who have visited our church in 2003 were Lloyd Shirley, Robert Frizzell, Benny Blunt, James Corbin, Loren Miller, Steve Bennett, Mark Starin & Robert Kelley.

About the director:

Sis. Nancy has been a wonderful director for many years. She truly has a heart for missions. She has been on four mission trips to Scotland. On route to Scotland, she has briefly visited several other countries including France, England Ireland & Netherlands.

Sis. Nancy is a graduate of the University Of Charleston with a nursing degree. She has written several devotionals which have been published by The Word Aflame Press. She also has written and directed Christmas Plays. Other ministries include Home Bible Studies, Nursing Home Outreach, Homebound Services, Young Adult Sunday School Teacher, Music and Song.

Assistant Director: Jennifer Lynn Boyd (photo coming soon)

Seventeen year old Jennifer Lynn Boyd is a senior honors student at Riverside High School, where she ranks seventh in her class of approximately 300 students. Charleston Optimist Club recently awarded her "Oustanding Student". She has received numeruous awards in county and state competition in Science and Social Studies Fairs. Jennifer was part of her school's yearbook publication for three years. She is active with the Extreme Youth Bible Club, and participates in on-campus Bibble Studies.

Jennifer's ministries include: piano, choir, praise singing, children's church, and Bible quizzing. As a state Bible Quiz Champion team member in the West Virginia District for two consecutive years, she attended North American Bible Quiz Tournaments in Arizona and Canada. Jennifer is a member of "Unseen Hands" puppet ministry and "Signs from Heaven" sign language team in her local church.

On Monday nights, you can find Jennifer faithfully interceding for souls at prayer meeting. Another area of faithful expression is in missions giving, where she accepts personal responsibility each month for a designated missionary family. When asked about her future plans for the Lord's service, she replied, "I definitely want to be involved in Foreign Missions, possibly the Associates in Missions (A.I.M.) Program."

As Assistant Director of Foreign Missions, Jennifer's duties will include entertaining visiting missionaries, correspondence, newsletters, book keeping, and Foreign Missions Conference coordination.

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Scotland Missions