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    Maybe a Little Nervous

TtH Prompt: #78 Travel

Summary: Going through the gate is not like driving a car.

Buffy stopped at the top of the ramp causing everyone else to stop as well. The belly rumblin’s from yesterday suddenly turned into somersaults as she stared at the event horizon. She was about to travel through a wormhole to another planet. This had most definitely not been in the Slayer Handbook.

“What’s the matter, Buffy? Scared?” Mitchell teased from behind.

“No,” Buffy retorted. She was most definitely not scared. “Traveling through something I don’t really understand makes me a little nervous.”

“Do you understand how a car works?” Daniel asked.

“Not really.”

“How about a plane?”


“Then how do you get anywhere besides walking?”

“They don’t make me nervous ‘cause I’ve seen them work thousands of times. What if this breaks down and I’m only halfway there? It’s not like I can get out and call Triple A.”

“Hasn’t happened yet,” Daniel assured her.

“That doesn’t mean it won’t. I have a history with these type of things.”

Daniel and Cameron exchanged amused glances. Then, as one, they reached out and shoved her through the gate.

“Bon voyage,” Cameron said with a grin.

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