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(04-27-03) Umm...I'm not bringing this back. I'm sorry I've let you all down. Maybe then again I haven't...I don't know. I have 5 other sites up and right now I'm taking them down. I can't keep up with all of them. I'm keeping two sites up and we'll see how I do with that. Thank you again for stopping by and seeing what I have on here.

(03-25-03) I'm going to try and bring this back. However it'll only be Care Bears. So bare with me it might be a week or so before I get everything back up and working again.

(02-28-03)I realized none of the links work. So you haven't been able to download the pictures. Sorry! I knew when I first started the site they didn't work but then I got them working. So now I don't know what the problem is. Anyway as you can see the site is now down. I don't figure I'll bring it back. Thanx to all the people who did stop by and have a look. Also thanks so much to the kind people who allowed me to use their work. Have a nice day!