Name: PIC
Height: 6'4
Weight: 232
Record: 2-0
Former Heavyweight Champion(4)
Former North American Champion(3)
Former Tag Team Champion(4)


***Perhaps it's just him, but ever since he returned to IEW, PIC has observed that almost the entire roster is dillusional, so caught up in their own agenda that they are unaware of all the happenings going on around them. PIC's main focus is TLS...the man he'll step into the ring with for the first time ever this Sunday night. PIC sits on a park bench in the middle of a warm spring day, staring into the sky as he contemplates these things. He thinks about the history The Lost Soul recently spoke of, of the past the two have shared. He thinks of how once upon a time TLS did take him in, how he did teach him the lay of the land so to speak...he taught him how to be a winner. But, as PIC recollects, he realizes that TLS didn't really teach him anything, but he learned it all on his own. That sense of loyalty he once felt for TLS for helping him isn't there anymore, because for the first time in his life, he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was his own doing that has elevated him to the success he now has...not that of TLS. It just so happened the two formed a friendship around the same time. TLS never helped PIC do anything in life...and now, PIC's taken his own ambition, and expounded on it. He realizes he's far greater than TLS has ever been...he realizes he owes TLS nothing. This Sunday, TLS' dillusions about what is right and wrong will be laid to rest, because as PIC gets up from the park bench and walks over to the fountain in the middle, he realizes he's more focused now than ever before. He's ready for war...ready to go into battle. PIC turns from the fountain and begins walking down the pathway, leading out into the woods. As he continues to walk, the camera pans around to the trees as they blow in the wind, the birds chirping from all angles. Squirrels are seen running around on the ground, chasing each other up and down the trees. Bees can be heard buzzing...yet, it doesn't sound like bees. PIC stops, listening. The buzzing noise gets closer and closer, louder and sounds like humming. PIC turns around, just in time to see Lonnie Smith running at him, his arms out like an airplane. PIC sidesteps Lonnie as he lunges forward, landing hard on the ground. Lonnie begins to laugh as he rolls over, staring at PIC.***

[Lonnie] - Friend! You are found! Hooray!

[PIC] - What? What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to get lost tard? Didn't you take a hint when I tripped you and you fell on your face? I don't want to have anything to do with you. Get lost!

[Lonnie] - Lost...lost, Michael Chriton, The Lost World...Jurassic Park, dinosaurs.

[PIC] - What is wrong with you?

[Lonnie] - Lost...lost...lose, PIC will lose to TLS.

[PIC] - That's it...I've put up with a lot of crap from you you little bastard, but I will not stand here and listen to you tell me I'm going to lose. I will NOT lose!

***PIC rares back to throw a punch at Lonnie who just stands there, a big grin from ear to ear.***

[Lonnie] - Lost Soul is lost. He will lose...I will help you win fo sho.

***PIC drops his arm and stares at the man, not quite sure what he's trying to say. PIC scratches his head for a moment, trying to register everything that's happened for the past few days. What is this retard talking about? PIC decided to indulge him.***

[PIC] - All right, I'll bite. Just what exactly can you do to help me beat The Lost Soul?

[Lonnie] - He is tough...he beats everyone...he saves people. You are better, but you need training. I will help you train. My dad is wrestling trainer...I do many hardcore matches...I win few.

[PIC] - Ahh...I understand. You knocked yourself retarded doing stupid hardcore wrestling. I should have guessed. How many people out there have done the same? How many wrestlers are there that had talent, but blew it all away on some notion that hardcore wrestling is the way to go? I once subscribed to that notion, but now I know better. I know that all hardcore wrestling accomplishes is retards like you. You get a little money, but in the end, you're too freaking stupid to spend it. TLS has done this to himself. He's obviously too stupid from his hardcore encounters to think straight, because he's got people believing he's the Messiah and that he stands a chance in beating me. Let me tell you something tard, The Lost Soul does NOT save people, he only makes them think so. He brainwashes them, fills their heads with thoughts that he's actually in the business of doing God's will. I know the truth, I know TLS is just a fraud, a fraud that you and everyone else in this world has bought into...but soon, his crimes will be laid out for all to see. I'm sick and tired of hearing that I'm jealous of TLS...I could care less about him or his accomplishments. The bottom line is that TLS needs to be taught a lesson once and for all...and that lesson is that he has been, and always will be second best. I've fallen under his hypnotic spell once before, and I'll not fall for it again.

[Lonnie] - You do beat TLS.

[PIC] - Yes, sadly...International Extreme Wrestling has decided to live up to its name, subscribing to the misconception that extreme has to mean hardcore. Our match this Sunday will be a "3 Chances For History" match, where a cage and a ladder will be our only allies. While I don't agree with this type of match, I will take part in it, if only to knock TLS even further into orbit. will see first hand what I can do when my mind is will see what will happen to TLS and his "greatness". You will see his saving power first hand...when he can't even save himself. nothing but a pathetic shell of the man he once was...he's holding on for dear life, but this Sunday night...the only thing he'll be holding the shattered dillusions of being a champion. That you can count on...that is a promise.

[Lonnie] - You come meet my daddy...he help you train.

[PIC] - Listen tard, I don't need to get trained. But since you're obviously not going to leave me alone until I do, I'll go check out what he's got to offer. But don't get your hopes up...I'd get more training out of Dcafmaster than a retard's father.

***PIC smacks Lonnie in the back of the head, which he seems to enjoy. He then smiles as he leads PIC down the walkway, and out of the park. As the camera begins to pan to an aerial view of the park and the two exiting, the scene fades to black.***