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Sams Web Page

I ve got on my web site

some links

Kazaa is a media downloader
This is more pictures

HI! Welccme to my web site. If you have made it here you have been told by me to come here. Not much is on this but I hope you enjoy it for what it is.I will be updating it so keep checking back for more new stuff. so you've made it to my web site. well its nice to know some one cares. well if your on this site you know that we've made it ti Tucson. Its been pretty nice so far. we came last May and stayed in a condo for about a month or two. in that two months time there was a fire on MT. Lemon. it burned hot and long. over 300 homes were lost. it burned a good 80,000+ acres. I have some pictures in the photo page of some of the fire smoke. we attempted to buy a house but that fell through. so we found a nice place for rent in the Foothills of Tucson. we've been trying to get settled in for the last month. we started school at a small charter school called compass high school. we started going to a nice Calvary Chapel located in Oro Valley which is right above Tucson. Its about a 20 minute drive from home.
