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mah blog==> comment plz!!;)!!
Wednesday, 5 January 2005
2nd day at work
Mood:  accident prone
ok so this is my second day at work... at its dead boring!! there is absolutely nothing to do here~!!! im bored out of my wits and i cant go away just incase my boss calls or sum1 calls and finds out im not dere!! i cant even go watch ladder49 wif martins and fwends coz i hafta work until 4 in the afternoon. dat really gay!! and now i assume my cuz ada wont go coz i wont!! aiya!! i destroyed her happiness wif martin:P!!
hm... also i finished the da vinci code while at work becuz i was so bored and theres nothing to do.... it was a pretty good book but very pointless ending. he dusun find anything and its spoilt!! ah wellz...
btw i forgot to thank martin for his generous comment which gave so many compliments i dunno where to start... let c... we all kno he's egotistic or my word egoistic:P!! i like my word thankyou very much. even his fwends describe him as a playa. and hes outta his league dating pramilla:P!! there martin enuff compliments bout u:P!! dun wolz ill rite more!!
haha i had an interesting chat with martins bro bob yesterday... very weird... he believe me and martin r the same kind... tho i dun doubt that my mum finks so too -_-"!! but dats y we can never be together coz we too alike:P!!! kahaha!! stupid martin!! but ur bro is just as weird as you... both weird liu brothers... bob thinks martin bes a dick to attract chicks he thinks are cool... i mean wtf? just as weird!! but hes not as bad as martin hu thinks he's so cool which is so not true!!
den i said sth bout dus he treat all the gals he tok like his younger sis and he goes i dunno. do i seem like i act like i treat like a sis? but it was weird. i guess hes jus dat sorta guy hu treats pplz like a sibling, eitha that or he thinks every1s like his bro martin and its gotten into him:P!!

anyway im still at work atm so im gonna go off before mah work make fanny comes bak...
PS: i slamed the draw into mah finger now its bleeding and aching like hell:'(!!

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 5:51 PM EADT
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Monday, 3 January 2005
simons party/ martins house
Mood:  mischievious
ok last blog of the 3 i promised to write. this one shouldun be very long. this one is of simons party at his place.

ok about 2pm in the afternoon we all woke up afta a late night the day b4 on new yrs day. and since i didun sleep until 4am so hey its all good. den we went ova to shirley and adas place to lead the way to simons place.
when we arrived every1 was already there and we were the last ones besides john to get there. we got to meet pplz we dunno and also simons pretty gf. she looked so young tho!! she looked my age altho she was 19!!

then afta watchin a weird film on TVBJ we sang kareoke as per usual. by the end of k my voice was almost gone. but yah by that time it was like 9pm!! we did eat earlier but i was hungry by then. afta a while we realised that the adults actually went to a club and saw martin and bobs dad and me and ada asked if we could go to his place to gif martin his present and if we could go to play pool. afta some fone calls we realised we were goin ova to martins and bobs.

omg there house is so big!! dey had a weird pool table tho. it wasnt as small as galaxy and the holes werent that big but still very dodgy. dey also had singstar which was pretty kool not as dodgy. i thrashed martin at singstar his pitch was so wrong:P!! i won twice vsin him!! guys really cant sing:P!! they also had these really cool metal puzzles where u can onli get the metal objects appart if u slide the 2 gaps thru each other. i picked up 2 and did dem in a minute and bob was sitting watchin me and goin wtf? ur pretty good it took me hrs and i cant do it:P!! den i manage to do this other one but i forgot and he said he did one but forgot so we sat there swaped puzzles and did dem for a while but couldun so we swapped back and still couldun do it!! so fustratin. in the end i did all the puzzles but 1 and martin had to show me how to do it for me to be able to undo them!!-__-!! ah wellz all good.
also before i left martin said he would burn me a cd of some mp3s that he promised online b4 and we sorted that out. it was about the onli nice thing he ever did to me:P!! jkjk!! hes not that mean. very egoistic but not that bad a guy. but gals beware hes a playa so be prepared to get ur heart melted then shattered like glass:P!!

anyway aftawords our parents came bak from the club and it was time to go. we said our happy birthdays and goodbyes and left and went bak to simons to collect our stuff b4 we left for home. by that time it was 12:30am and was really late when we got back. but the day was fun and we all had a good time...

ok thats it for the entries bout the 3 consecutive days of fun and partyin. tomoloz i hafta go to work!!-_-!! tho today i went to watch incredibles wif mah bro and it was pretty good;)!! but aiya tomolooz i hafta be at work by 10am so early!!
so i should be hittin the stacks early!!

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 10:41 PM EADT
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jennys b'day party
Mood:  flirty
ok this will be blog number 2... jennys party at connies and jennys place. so...

well you c i thought we were late when we arrived at connies but turned out that there were 3 other later pplz much more lazier than me. turned out that mikel and kevin came bout 15-20 mins lata den i did if not 30 mins lata and den mike gor came like a couple of hrs lataz:P!!! so late pplz!!

anyway when every1 came we watched tv i fink the film was called "a police story" anyway it was not fair watchin that coz mikel kept slappin my face so i tried to slap him bak but he kept holdin my hand and was so strong so he slapped me more but it was fun tickling kevin!!:D!! i dun even need to make contact for him to jump kahaha!! like my hand is reachin for his hip and he jumps it dusun even touch!! but yah i swear i will slap mikel next time i c him:P!!!

afta the film we did a bit of break and hip hop dancin to mikels music. and we ATTEMPTED to battle with break vs hiphop which really didun work but accordin to mikel he sayz i won because he kept stackin when it came to hard moves that woulduv smashed me if he managed to do them:P!! ah wellz!!

then afta that we went upstairs to the empty room and toked and did sum hand stand so funny. ada turned the light off and that wasun nice judgin the fact that we had MIKEL in the room *ahem* well let c how to descibe that. imagine the lights goin out than all of a sudden u feel sum1s breath coming closer and hands gropin the air and the light goes on and u c a face close to u. very scary!! very freaky!! afta that we kept the light on.

sooner later we were told to come down for the cutting of the cake. yum the cake was so yummy it was fruit cake wif mango in the middle so yummy i had 2 pieces!!

afta yummy cake and kevs horrible version of the birthday song we went back upstairs and toked a bit more while we listened to mikels md. come to think of it i dun really rememba wot we toked about. was very blurry dun rememba i onli rememba when shirley came up and we decided to show sth to the group usin mikel as an example....*winks* kahaha funny im sure no1 wants to kno wot we did. anyway shirley had to explain wot a grindin is and we used mikel to help us demonstrate... hm... he looked so awkward doin a face sit. kahaha!!!

anyhow we went home afta that!! oh yah b4 we left we had to hug every1 as usual and as i was huggin mikel he wouldun let go as usual, he never lets go in a hug then all of a sudden sum1 yells GROUP HUG!! and i was squashed so badly to mikel against the wall it was not nice.:P!! since we both danced and was sweatin!! yuk!!

anyways that was the party on new years day!! stay tuned for another episode of... iono off wot... lilys life i guess:P!!

cya pplz!!

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 10:16 PM EADT
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new years fireworks
Mood:  loud
omg where do i start? let c, the last time i wrote was on new years eve and dat was bout wot was GONNA happen but now... since i was at 3 diff events and party... how am i suppose to write that all in 1 blog? maybe ill split it... and change dates or sth... yes im lame arent i ok here goes first 1.

at round 6 :30pm me mum and bro andrew went to catch the train to edgecliff station. the reason we were so early i had no idea but hey my mum said we were de last 1s last time and jens mum were the earliest so we decided to be the earliest which ended up being like wot half an hour early from the original time and den pplz came late-__-!! afta every1 came we had a little intro to mah 2 fwends dat i brought along, shirley huang and khalil... i cant be bothered with his last name.

afta that we all walked to the park which was not that crowded and really big. we found a spot to sit for the adults. den we went off to talk and shit. we ended up on the pier again as per usual but b4 that we took so gay fotos of da kids doin gay and kinky stuff. heres sum fotos la...

afta that we watched the 9 session of fire works and den we waited till the 12 one but meanwhile i had kev and mikel sleepin on mah jacket as i was not feeling cold. den i manage to tickle kev it was so funny he so sensitive. we dun even need to touch him and he jumps kahaha!! afta dat we lit sum candles dat ada brought and we melted food more like burnt. but da onli thing that smelled good was da mashmellow but the burger ring apparently tastes gross.

afta that we watched the 12 session fireworks and burnt sparkles dat shirley fwend brought. da fireworks wasun dat good but anyway. afta dat we took a group foto and we left but b4 dat i bought 2 light things that flash. a bommy nocker and the flashin dummy. heres the last of the fotos.

omg ada and mikel had the most repetative foto:P!!

then when i was on the train martin and his party gang rang and mah mum picked up and u here dem screamin into the fone:P!! kahah dey den hung up when dey realised hu it was and rang again!! so stupid!! so i had to ring bak when i got home but dey were such idiots!! one apparently bought 2 condoms to an all guys party expecting sum action!! obviously to his disapointment there werent any chicks not to mention action unless u want gay action:P!!!

afta that it was hit the stacks at 2 in the morning of new yrs day.

so dats my first blog entry of the three... stay tuned for more...

adioz amegos!!

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 4:47 PM EADT
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Friday, 31 December 2004
new years eve
Mood:  celebratory
wow its new yrs eve already!! another year has past!! woohoo!! i cant believe it!! also...argh!! getting closer to my work day:(!!! no!!! well at least i get money dats good!! hm... lets c i just woke up... i was ment to go to martins bday party but me and ada decided not to go and since my mums ride left b4 i had a chance to take it so no way. maybe gif his prezzie sum other day.

wow im goin to fireworks tonight at a park in edgecliff and just realised i manage to get to fwends to come wif me bseides the normal boring bunch:P!! kahaha neways dats good. i gettin popular:P!! jkjk!! im neva popular:(!! all good. tell u wot... i actually dun expect tonights fireworks to be good. dunno y. but hopefully i haf a great time anyways... there really isun much to tok about since i havent had any experience wif it yet.

but todays prob the last time i will be writing in this blog for a while judgin by the fact ive got stuffed packed in days consecetive. fireworks tonite till 12, den jennys bday party at connies, den simons party which he dusun really kno about, then 1 day rest and work for 2 weeks full time with onli sunday off:(!!

luv to rite more but cant think of anything:P!!
so cya!!

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 5:15 PM EADT
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i luv u but im not inluv wif u:P!!
Mood:  flirty
Topic: just not that interested
he's just not that into you!
hmm... another topic... quite an interesting one too... very helpful for us single gals or even taken gals:P sum reason its always oprah that gives me topic ideas... ah wellz all good;)!!

we should all purchase that book "hes just not that into you" its very helpful. so lets c... haf u ever wondered y guys r so dishonest when it comes to turning you down...? or when u ask y he hasun called or where hes been? it all comes down to the "i luv u but im not inluv wif u" phrase. it means "i dun want to hurt u but im not inluv wif u". simply saying they're just not interested but dun wanna cause controversy.
kahaha one funny person says that u dun wanna hurt the gal too bad incase she turns into sum1 like oprah and tells the world:P!! like oprah goes she had a bf when she was 20 and he was always 1 week late and neva really pays attention to her coz he says "you think your too special" and look wot happened, she is special shes oprah:P!!
but anyways haf u ever had a guy that says hes gonna call but dusun or says HE'll ring you instead which neva happens, or says he dusun wanna destroy the fwendship? guess wot? theyre all not that into you:P!! if hes not afta you then forget it! he dusun ask u out, forget it! if in any doubt at all forget it!! not worth it!! if he wants u, ull kno and hell make sure ull kno so u wont be in doubt! even if he says he'll call in the weekend and call on monday... forget it! he said he'll call on the weekends and he didun so forget it!! basically put ur standards higher.
just because u claim to be single, as long as ur mind has that sum1 else ur not really available. and its pointless like or waiting, hoping for sum1 that simple dusun feel the same about u. gals if u r like or r likin any1 that has the qualities i suggest ditch them... u neva kno hu ur missing on meeting with ur mind occupied by sum1 else.

wow thats basically my point i find it very true tho. ive waited for pplz and hoped for pplz, even tried to change that person, but trust me its not worth it. dusun happen the way u want and it slowly devours u until u cant stand it anymore. its very painful and not worth it at all... u end up turnin pplz down just to hope for sumthing that aint gonna happen. no use at all. i suggest keep ur mind and self free until u meet sum1 ur satified coz u deserve better.
plus havent u ever had the feeling of being free or bondage of a bf? it feels good dusun it? ive been single for like a yr now and im used to it and its fine with me... dun get guity feeling from flirting wif other pplz. much more fun too;)!
anyway i really think that guys should be more honest. when they dun like u or am not interested y do they make lame excuses y cant they just say sorry im not interested? i really dun get it! they think we're glass and will break at the touch of the truth which is so untrue. they think we'll burst out crying if we kno.
but it hurts us more by draggin and telling us that sumfin else is on for instance a guy said his lamest excuse when a gal asked y he hasun called was that he droped his fone in the toilet and lost all numbers and was very fustrated. i mean seriously wot sort of an excuse is that? and the gal believed him:(!! geez how dumb can u get! ah wellz!! gals be smarter ditch the unwanting guy!!

anyway thats my advice... comment on the topic plz!!
omg its new yrs eve i should go now

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 12:51 AM EADT
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Thursday, 30 December 2004
latin dancing
Mood:  cheeky
wow latin dancing... could dere be anything more weird and strict!! man dats wrong dis is wrong everything is wrong aiya!!
ah wellz!! yess i did haf a latin dancing lesson today... went to connies place and hired a teacher to teach us... it was so awkward!! ah well!! we at least learnt sth... den had pizza for dinna and went to adas place... went online ever since... was undecided bout sleepin ova since mah bro and mum was at a bball match but i decided to come bak! was a tiring day and still got bruises on mah knee...:(!!! ah wellz!!! geez i gotta stop sayin that!!
msn online can there be anything more addictive yet boring and pointless!! takes up all ur time and u take much longer saying things. we had a webcam convo me and ada and shirley wif martin this yr 9 sbhs guy hu we knew off fam fwends actually hes in yr 10 now being the end of the yr. he is such a weirdo neva met any1 more desperate for chicks and booze!! hes so diff from his bro complete opposite!! hes bro more sensible and more sensitive den him... martin is an insensitive idiot. ok im gonna end mah blog here..

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 1:15 AM EADT
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Tuesday, 28 December 2004
Mood:  silly
omg im so tired now!! my legs are about to drop off and i got a majorly large bruise on mah knee!!
as u mite guess i went iceskating today and it was dead tiring... but was fun! we also went to watch a movie afterwards which was ok as well. so dis is how out day went...

first of all 8:30a.m recieve a call from shirley H telling me to wake up which i listen to but fell straight bak to sleep until like 8:45 i woke up. Manage to rush to station at 9:30 for the 9:42 train which came late.
then we met up with everyone which included; me, shirley H, shirley W, daisy, adriana, mike T, bob, chong, cheryl, rebecca L, bonnie. then we ended up missing the train we intended to catch so we got there like half hr late but it was all good.
it all went well and i manage to meet my fwend alex hu works dere now and it was good. and i won limbo!! yay!! got a free coke;D!! but i stacked it once which will explain for the bruise i haf. all the gals was standing the boys stacked(besides bob) including me. tried to stack bob but didun work!! swore that i would get him next time;)!!
then we went to haf lunch and decide on the movie which we couldun decide. sum wanted to watch incredibles, sum limney snickets a series of unfortunate events, sum blade. but afta alot of peer pressure and indecision we manage to bully every1 into watchin the blade trinity since no1 has watched that b4.
the movie was pretty good and it wasun as scary as i thought it was. but fully action.
afta that we went to play ddr at intensity which was a big mistake well at least for me since i was up against chong and he is a dead pro!! got up to like 9 feet level and he still managed i i jsut stood dere failing everything and managin 1 arrow-.-"!! ah wells!! plenty to learn:)!!
afta all that we decided to call it a day and went to catch the bus and train bak home... where i stupidly went to the library that was closed and had to go home the long way...:(!! good thing was i had kfc on the way for dinna so dats good;)!!
(incase u dunno we went to macquarie centre for iceskating thought ide jsut add)

wow very exhausting day!! so fun but!! ah wells next time...
here are some fotos that shirley took...coz she was the onli smart one to bring a camera;)!!

dis is foto of da guys and daisy and adriana (mikel looks like hes praying wonder wots its bout...:P)

dis pic makes every1 look good but me....y do i haf a hair joinin mah eyebrow:(!!

dis comment

ok dis pic i look so screwed its not funny!! ah wellz i always look dat puggy:(!!

anyways tiring day hit the stacks...

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 30 December 2004 1:14 AM EADT
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Monday, 27 December 2004
wacked up xmas
Mood:  party time!
omg i just realised that i havent added an entry in ages!!! :O!! ah well...
anyways... omg i had such a wacked up xmas party of xmas day!! totally defies the meaning of xmas!! oh well! afta all mah parents dun really celebrate xmas... more of an excuse to haf fun...
but it was so funny!! all the over 18 teenagers got so drunk!!:P!! so scary watchin dem >.also my voice was completely gone afta the nite from sing kareoke!! my mum kept givin me a lecture about how i hogged the kareoke machine-_-"!! ah wellz!! i wasun the onli one!!
but all in all we had a good time... i fink... afta all i can onli speak for myself;)!

hm... ive just realised i havent posted any of mah formal pictures from AGES ago so ill just do dat...

omg this is the pretty foto!! every1 looks so good in it for sum reason... in all the foto that guy took!!

this is me and kang the saviour hu came to the formal to fill in for "SUM1" hu backed out last minute when i bought the tickets:P!!

heres another group foto of our table

and last but not least heres a foto of my crazy "dragonball z like" hair as kang described it:P!! but i personally fink it feels like a xmas tree:P!!

anyway thats all the formal pictures i got of me and the sghs formal... if anyone wants more fotos go onto heidi's site ull find a lot more:P!!

Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 8:48 PM EADT
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Saturday, 11 December 2004
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: being bugged to play halo:(!
hello again! i am so bluddy bored its not funny!! afta a very deep topic im all deeped out:P!!

anyways i went to watch a movie today with my brother it was so weird. i went to watch ella enchanted coz that was the only movie that would not freak my brother out and that had the rite time. anyway that movie was so like cinderella and shrek put together minus most of the funniness. pretty ok movie and man is the guy hot:O!! but hey hes not too much of a deal. but annoyin thing was mah bro kept sayin he felt sick and wanted to vomit which totally destroyed the film. s all good!!

hm... btw i got a new job at the physiology place and apparently mah godsis vivian worked there to but shes goin to china now so not there anymore:(!! but if all goes well the pay shouldun be anything too bad unlike hungry jacks!!:P!!

also like my red bull:P!!


Posted by wv2/oceanwave at 9:30 PM EADT
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