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The British tried to convert all the people of Nigeria to Christianity. The British also tried to keep Nigeria into seperate regions (north,east, and west) for easier day to day decision making and keeping of order. They exerted light control over their Nigerian subjects. The British did seemingly more good than bad. Including moving the Nigerians forward in terms of health, agriculture, and education. Europeans taught the Nigerian people to speak English. The British also established schools. The British later merged North and South Nigeria into the colony and protectorate of Nigeria with Sir Frederick Lungard as the governor. British rule lasted from 1900 to around 1960. Governor Lungard saw that the muslim states of Nigeria were more centalized with bureaucratic political institutions, and formed an alliance with them. Over the years British gained more contol over the much more resistant non-muslim groups by a system of punitive patrols abnd tax assessments.

Book References

References and Other Stuff

Web Site Reference 1
Web Site Reference 2
Web Site Reference 3
Web Site Reference 4
Stephens Stuff
Kristis Stuff