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The Truth


Well damn it has been a long time!! But I am finally back! I figured it would only be appropriate if I began updating this thing from time to time since it appears that soon I will be the head announcer for NGW. As everyone probably knows, Chris Johnson is going to die Sunday when he steps into a ring for the first time and fights Damion Blade in a street fight. Looks like I am going to get a pay raise J!!

After Sunday, I do believe that I am going to be the new head announcer for NGW, I would like to ask that anyone announcing that they know the correct history of NGW i.e. Virus & Thug have never tagged together in any promotion. I hope that this problem has now been taken care of.

Now onto the important topic of NGW…how can you possibly dislike NGW? It is most likely one of the greatest promotions in the entire country, maybe the world, a style for everyone to enjoy and some of the greatest talent in the world!!

Ever since my last writing which I think was about 6 months ago L NGW has continued to improve every Sunday and everyone constantly putting out Match Of The Year Candidates. Guys like The Kid Inferno, Thug, Virus, Damion Blade, Cole Cash, New Image, Coby Diehl, JFK, and many more consistently performing to the best of their ability for the fans and the spirit of competition, and now the Pussy Division is starting to take off, E-Klipz and Candie are soon going to show that the women’s division is not to be ignored in NGW.

Since I last wrote, NGW had one of the greatest and the sickest matches in NGW, NGW had HorrorCore, with Blade defending the NeXt Level Championship against Coby Diehl. So much respect goes out to this after an amazing performance that will never be forgotten by anyone in attendance that night. Word is circulating that HorrorCore 2 is in the making to take place at the final Mega-Card of October. Several names have been thrown in to that hat for who will participate in this one. Unfortunately, no names have been finalized so I cannot really release much, but I can tell you that Coby Diehl’s & Blade’s names are definitely in the running.

Recently NGW introduced the #1 Contender’s Trophy for the Universal Title, this will ensure a worthy contender for the Universal Title. Once a competitor wins the trophy he will receive a title shot shortly there after. If he loses the title match, he will have to defend the #1 Contender’s Trophy as if it were a title until it is believed that he is once again worthy of another title shot. Rumors are circulating that this could be added to the H.T.R. Division as well, but it is not set in stone.

For the last couple weeks we have been seeing the events of a potentially great feud taking place, between Cole Cash & Virus. It began about a month ago when Virus elected to not join Faith No More, Cash, Diehl, and Hostile brutalized Virus in a 3 on 1 and left him laying, Virus retaliated by costing Cash the H.T.R. Title and giving him a System Shutdown on a steel chair. Later that night Cash gave Virus a Straight Jacket Pile Driver on the deck but Virus came back at Cash probably the best way he could, with Cash tied to the ring rail, Virus ended Cash’ Straight-Edge run by pouring beer down his throat and all over him! In Cash’ attempt for revenge Virus had help by a surprising source in Thug. Virus and Thug have agreed to work together to end all of it! But I don’t believe that will be enough seeing as Cash has double the back up that Virus has and possibly some more that we don’t know of. The Kid Inferno has also been heavily involved with the fight against Faith No More but primarily Cole Cash. After Cash turned his back on Inferno forming Faith No More Inferno has been extracting revenge whenever he can. Recently he interfered in Cash’ match with a taped right hand that had thumbtacks in the tape that busted Cash wide open.

That is not the only feud we have been witnessing, ever since the re-birth of the Nation of Hate, some of their main targets have been The Kid Inferno, Blade, and Virus. It seems that any time Inferno has been in action we have some type of interference from members of the NOH. NOH even contributed to Inferno’s recent loss of the H.T.R. Title to New Image. Ever since, Blade defeated Jack Ruby to retain his NeXt Level Title the NOH have targeted him as well. Virus has also been in their sights since he defeated J.F.K. in the Body Bag match, but he has been put on hold but Virus has been watching the back of his friends Inferno and Blade. All of this has set up a huge six-man tag match for H.T.R. #20 as Damion Blade, The Kid Inferno, and Virus will go against the NOH of J.F.K., Jack Ruby, and Oswald. It should be an incredible match that will finally settle this feud.

Will we ever learn who Thug’ will choose as his tag team partner to share the Tag Team Titles. Several people have voiced their opinion on who it could be. Majority of them pointed to a certain superstar, and personally I pray to god that it is not true.

On a funny/sad note, after the E-Klipz and Kryptonite match where E-Klipz defeated Kryptonite, New Image was spotted extremely upset and possibly crying(mask made it hard to tell) in the back because New Image is a sexist that thinks women aren’t a credible threat!! He is from Mexico so that may be the way it is down there. But personally, I’d like to see E-Klipz kick New Image’ ass, New Image needs to receive a wake up and realize what everyone else already knows, and I don’t care if she does accompany him to the ring, which is only because he and Thug are allies.

Does Cole Cash have any one still to join Faith No More? If so, who is he? or maybe she? or even they?

On that note, will the Nation Of Hate have any new recruits?

What is with the new alliance between Thug & Virus?

What will happen next in the feud between Cole Cash & Virus?

Will anymore take place between the Nation Of Hate and Faith No More?

What will Adam Awesome have to say after being absent after two weeks? I for one know he was extremely upset that he did not make the show last week as he should be. Hopefully he will return as fierce and as hungry as ever!

With Coby out of the stable and Starfire out of action for an unknown amount of time, are the New Era Horseman still around?

Will WWE ever quit trying to rip us off?

Remember If You Want The Absolute Truth You Know To Come To Me, Aaron Davies!

(I Promise To Write Again Soon!)


Welcome everyone to the fourth edition of The Truth. Glad to see the imposter claiming to be the whole truth with his column, but its alright because you know what they say, Imitation Is The Purest Form Of Flattery. Now lets proceed to the absolute truth.

NGW was set for a mid-February return but those plans were suddenly put on hold when the entire northeast was covered with a vicious storm that covered the NGW arena with at least a foot of snow, placing the NGW Arena under absolutely impossible working conditions. But if the weather cooperates NGW should return in about 3 weeks, so please keep your fingers crossed. Also, please pray for all the superstars, several of them are making very treacherous trips from their homes to St. Marys to prepare for the return. Stars are commuting from all over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Florida, California, and yes even Mexico just to name a few. So to say that that members of the roster are not dedicated to NGW that is an unbearable understatement.

Of course, weather has not been the biggest issue for the promotion over the winter. The new talent that my friend John Callis mentioned in his last article was deployed to Baltimore, MD and is currently awaiting to go to either Louisiana, Iraq, Germany, or Turkey. Our prayers are definitely with Erik as he became a great friend to several of the “boys” during his beginnings in NGW. It’s sad that you loyal fans will not get the chance to see him work for some several months.

NGW is also under the threat of losing “The Promise” Sean Steel. Sean may have to possibly return to North Caroline for personal reasons. We may have also lost “All-American” Brian Lo, also due to personal reasons.

As you may already Coby "Da Fly One" Diehl was involved in a car wreck that threatened his career in wrestling. Due to the circumstances Diehl’ tag partner in the Born Again Thrillaz and other half of the tag champions, Cole Cash went to his newest ally and asked him to step in for Diehl and carry the other half of the NGW Tag Team Titles. Cash and Virus are now going by Hybrid Shock and they will defend those titles at H.T.R. #4 against who ever win’s the #1 Contenders slot at H.T.R. #3. The two teams vying for the spot will be The Untouchables whose members are being kept a secret for the show, and The NEW Cheap Heat, which includes one of the founding members of the original Cheap Heat.

Getting the crowd fired up in the opening contest will be amazing athletes from the cruiserweight division. The Canadian Starfire will be defending his newly won NGW Cruiserweight Championship against Kryptonite. I say newly because he has yet to defend the title against anyone, he won the title at our last show over 2 months ago. This match surely feature several Oohs! and Ahs and will be an important factor on the rest of the show.

NGW will crown a brand new United States Champion in a 6-way elimination match, but as John Callis said in his previous column this looks to me as the only possible “let-down” if that is even possible here in NGW. The participants include Scotty Bliss, New Image, Pimp Daddy Pedro, Virus, UnRated, and “Supastar” Chris Adamz. If Adamz can make it to the show I believe the three established stars: Adamz, Virus, and UnRated can impress the fans and the NGW brass. But I wouldn’t be surprise if New Image and Bliss step-up and make themselves known in this match. I wouldn’t pass this match off.

The match I cannot stress enough of how much I am looking forward to see is for the NGW Universal Championship. Adam Awesome, Cole Cash, Thug, and “Violent” Vance Desmond. At first it will start as elimination but after the first elimination it will become a triple threat meaning one fall to a finish. VVD is in a very precarious position. Two falls can end VVD’ title reign. It is very possible that VVD could be the first eliminated guaranteeing a brand new champion. If VVD can survive the first fall he must become more aware because he does not have to be pinned to lose the gold. Not only does he have to look out for himself but he has to make sure no pins take place. Adam Awesome may be the one with the biggest advantage because he has no personal involvement with any of the other three. Cash, Thug, and VVD are intertwined with conflict and hatred for each other that could certainly effect the outcome of this match and the course of NGW’ future. This match will not disappoint, I guarantee that everyone in attendance will be standing on their feet marking out like you wouldn’t believe!

NGW has been out for over two months which would lead most of you to believe that it will be rusty or basically shit for the first couple shows. But if you knew the way that each and every talent on the roster had worked their ass off over the break you would not say NGW will be shit. Every single star is set to come back on the scene right where they left on, and that is amazing you and sending you into awe with every move. Because we are not like WWE who puts everything into one show a year every March, we put everything we possibly can into every show to make it the #1 backyard federation you’ll ever find!

After the return show I will bring you a brand new “Truth” and rate the return show and will shed some light on the second show back and a new addition to NGW.

That about does it for me my loyal smarks!

So Remember If You Want The Absolute Truth You Know To Come To Me, Aaron Davies!


Hello once again NGW wrestling fans, it is time once again for another installment of The Truth. I firstly would like to apologize for the tardiness of this column, I like NGW have been on a short break. Now enough of the opening lets get to The Truth!

Over the last few months NGW has been busy getting ready for its return, and what a return it will be!! The NGW Arena has a whole new look that will take your breath away, the NGW under card certainly did a wonderful job.

But that is not the only change in NGW, recently the new NGW developmental league opened in Elizabeth, WV, appropriately titled Elizabeth Wrestling Federation. Several NGW stars have made high profile appearances and shown some of the rookies the ropes including, Cole Cash, Adam Awesome, Steel, and The Phoenix. Cole Cash and Adam Awesome certainly did not disappoint as Cash busted Awesome wide open and left the arena a bloody mess. From the reports there are several EWF stars that are impressing the NGW higher ups and could be called up for some dark matches upon the NGW return.

Ladies and Gentleman the rumors are true and I couldn’t be happier, both Vanquished and Serial Killer were released from their contracts after the holidays which I believe should have taken place much sooner as in LAST January.

The news that was released last week has made me the happiest man in America! Blade is returning! The most egotistical, risk-taking son of a bitch you’ll ever meet is coming back to NGW from his neck injury.

But now onto a note of sadness a true locker room leader and a great friend to all in the NGW locker, Carl “Fly Guy” Diehl is leaving NGW due to severe injuries from a recent car wreck. We all at NGW would like to send our best wishes to Carl during this time.

Is anyone else happier than me that we haven’t had a column from the “Vampire Perv”????? I doubt it.

When exactly will NGW return? I don’t even know.

What is the huge surprise that Virus has?

What will happen with the NGW Tag Titles now that Fly Guy is gone?

And lastly will NGW be able to return as strongly as it left? Well what the hell do you think?!?!?!

That about does it for me my loyal smarks!

So Remember If You Want The Absolute Truth You Know To Come To Me, Aaron Davies!


After a week in NGW that seemed like an eternity the first round of the Best Of The Best tournament was finally completed but as I said before there are already two “columnists” who do show run downs, so let one of them do it! This weeks column will revolve around two of the NGW Titles and the respect or lack they’re of for those titles, the NGW Tag Team Championship and the NGW Universal Championship. So enough of this introduction bullshit, on with The Truth!!!

We are the dawn of the one-year anniversary of NGW and in one year some of the most amazing action in wrestling (not going to call it sports entertainment, that is just plain disrespect) you will ever see anywhere. For quite some time the NGW fans had requested the return of the NGW Tag Team Titles and finally on September 8, 2002 they got their request when Virus & VVD brought the NGW Tag Team Titles out of retirement when they defeated two other teams in a triple threat. It appeared NGW was on its way to having respectful tag team title once again until the next week when the titles were dropped to Thug & Adams, and then again the next week when the titles were again dropped to Virus & Serial Killer. It was clearly evident that that the genius behind the big desk didn’t want respectable tag team titles he wanted them to change hands every week. The changes continued to occur each week and the fans were becoming disgusted with what was taking place.

Finally the brass had a change of heart whether it was due to a special blend of herbs and spices or got some head from a worker most likely Vanquished, Serial Killer, or Hostile or hell maybe all three but we received respectable champions with Cole Cash & Fly, the Born Again Thrillaz!!! The loyal fans of NGW had finally been treated with respect they received champions that defend the titles night after night and successfully. They received some guys that didn’t suck cock to get some gold (see above). The forming of this team was extremely shocking because these two men had battled each other every way possible but had gained immense respect for each other in those classic battles. Let’s hope for the sake of NGW that these two don’t lose the gold for a long time and the brass don’t stop getting a BJ every night.

Now on to the real top prize in wrestling the only respectable heavyweight championship in the world, the NGW Universal Heavyweight Championship. Almost one year ago the current NGW Commish’ Thug made history when he pinned Cole Cash in the middle of the ring to become the first-ever NGW Champion creating a destiny that no other man could at the time. The NGW Universal Championship is definitely a coveted title in the world of wrestling and it is very hard to acquire, as every champion has been a fighting champion and everyone that has grabbed the brass ring has deserved the 15lbs of gold to go around their waist. Superstars such as Thug, Chris Adams, Virus, and VVD have all earned the respect of the locker room with their title reigns, but not just their reigns on top, each man has held numerous championships besides the Universal with the exception of two of course. Those two being Vanquished and Johnny Paradise and we can only hope that they never regain the title or let alone gain a title match.

In a years time only 7 men have won the top prize, in the WWE 7 men win their championship in a months time. As I said before NGW contains the only true championship in the world and it will become more coveted through the years as new talent and new names grace the company and continue the legacy of New Generation Wrestling. But until that time comes lets whole hope and pray that NGW does not go down as the WWE and keep all of our prestigious titles, titles that means something.

That about does it for me my loyal smarks!

So Remember If You Want The Absolute Truth You Know To Come To Me, Aaron Davies!


Welcome to the first edition of “The Truth“ and rather than my so called competitor columnist I will not be giving a run down of a show that everyone reads about anyways in something oh I don’t know…the RESULTS!!! Instead I will be discussing the state of New Generation Wrestling and why it is so much better and more entertaining than your fucked up necrophilia wrestling.

There are clearly many maybe even thousands of reasons of why NGW rocks and WWE sucks but the most important reason would be that NGW superstars can actually wrestle and wrestle damn well. I don’t even believe that the WWE knows what wrestling truly is, 1 hour and 45 minutes of their shows are bullshit promos and backstage vignettes that claimed to be useful and 15 minutes of imitation wrestling. Punch, Kick, Pin, I just told you an entire WWE wrestling match in three seconds, hell all of their wrestling matches! Let me see another reason to why NGW is a million fucking times better than old boring WWE? Oh yes, we actually have NEW and interesting storylines rather than the same old boring ones that WWE spoon feeds us each week. Wait I forgot that they did offer up something new a few weeks ago, Mannequin Fucking!!! Now that is an amazing storyline if I do say so myself! Our announcing is even better! We may have a thousand different voices behind the camera but they all do a better job then Slant Face J.R. and Pervert King.

We of course have one exception that occasionally announces and thank god it is occasionally, this jerk-off vampire wanna be Blood pack. Blood pack? What the fuck? Is it just me or does that sound like a name for a stable? Now listen up Sam, that’s right I broke kayfabe because that gimmick is so WWE (so it sucks!) and of course we all know I hate the WWE, you really need to get your ass off the put over of Hostile! The son of a bitch is not that great that you make him about to be, granted he is only a rookie and he will get better as time progresses. So until that time comes put over someone that is actually good…NOW!! Hostile is about the level of “Do Jack Shit & Beg For A Push & Cry Like A Bitch When Don’t Get It” Vanquished and “I’m Just Gay & Want All The Spotlight” Serial Killer, so that’s not exactly saying much!

Now onto someone I do enjoy immensely, “Violent” Vance Desmond! Damn, this guy can put on a match. Every match this guy has becomes a candidate for Match Of The Year! Everyone he steps into the ring with becomes an instant star. So what I am saying here is that VVD is amazing, the true Next Big Thing, hence his entrance theme entitled the “Next Big Thing”! I believe VVD will hold the NGW Universal Championship for a very, very long time.

NGW is beginning it’s first-ever “Best of the Best” Tournament, no titles on the line just to prove who is truly the best. Some participants are Cage, Kid Inferno, Adam Awesome, Thug, Virus, Cole Cash, Fly Guy, UnRated, Huvi, Steel, Scotty Bliss, Rage, VVD, Kryptonite, Domestic Disturbance, and even little Starfire. This two-day tournament will finally show the loyal NGW fans who the true best of NGW is. This tournament does not have any rich prize for the victor only good old fashion bragging rights, which in my opinion is better than any old trophy! Despite what I said earlier about VVD I am going to with the factor of absolute bitter anger and rage. I am going with Cole Cash to come through in this tournament because at this point this man will do absolutely anything to get his hands on the sick freak Thug for what he has done for the past few weeks!

That about does it for me my loyal smarks!

So Remember If You Want The Absolute Truth You Know To Come To Me, Aaron Davies!