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This has been a long drawn out process for me, Just as it has been for others. I have had so many ups and downs from this. I will be honest. I went to a seminar back in the early part of Feb and was all for this, but when I came home I read the info on the Unexpected and got scared to death, I didn't even know that particular community was there, til I seen someone say something about it. I was freaked out. What scared me most of all was the thought of a blood clot, but then as time went on and I talked to alot of ppl, they assured me I'd be ok, and as I believe and they told me as well, if I was meant to be called home to heaven, then it was meant to be, regardless, even if I was walking down the road, or on that table, or days later, whatever the outcome is, that is what was planned for me all along. So, I do know I need to better my life and that's what I'm going to do, I wasn't put on this earth to be a quitter, I want a healthy life and by george Imma gonna get it.

March 5 2004: I called my pcp today, to schedule another visit with her, I have been on a diet for a few weeks now and have lost 6 lbs, woo hoo, I've only truly been trying for 2 of those weeks, but have managed to do my stair stepper for 30 minutes at a time, and just recently I move it up to 2, to make it harder. Although, I can't do 30 minutes yet on 2, I've done 20 minutes, with the help of my best friend. He talks me thru it while on the phone together, it surely helps alot. He has given me alot of support and I owe him alot, he's such a good person and I love him dearly. Thanks Andy. I owe you alot. I also have recently began to walk 1.2 miles in 35 minutes. I, personally think that is great, going from being totally stationary to walking that distance. I also have a CONSULT with my surgeon on March 17th at 9:30 am and a Psych evaluation on March 9th at 2:00 pm. Im moving ahead.

March 9 2004: I didn't get to go to my Psych evaluation today. It's now gonna be this Friday. My daughter was very sick, instead I took her to the dr. Got her fixed up. Then in return I went in and seen the dr. I'm down from 267 to 255 in a lil over 3 weeks. I am proving to myself I can do this

March 16 2004: I have been sick the past few days, therefore, I couldn't go to my psych consult, So I still have to reschedule that. Then I called to ask a question at my surgeons office. So outta being nosey I wanted to know who my Consult was on the 17th. She informed me of whom it was and of course I got upset. I told her back a month ago when I scheduled it, I wanted Dr Quinlin, not the other guys. So, she changed it, I have the consult with him on April 30th. That's a long wait, but more of a chance for me to lose some weight on my own and to go to my PCP for more documentation that I am trying, since they say the more the better as far as that goes. Not that I don't like/trust those other Dr's, it's just that this Dr has been doing it for many years and the others haven't. And, I honestly want to go with someone whom I think will be better for me. It's not a choice of when they can do it, but rather which one will be the better choice...I'm down from 255 to 253, 2 lbs in 7 days, not nearly fast enough for me.. but at least it's some..