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Mamaw, I know it really hasn't been all that long but it's been really hard on me. Ever since that day December 18, 2001 crying hasn't been unusual to me. That horrible day just took my breath away. I'm glad that you're no longer in pain and that you're happy now. I can't begin to understand the pain that papaw is going through, losing your significant other like that after so long must be the most difficult thing to deal with. Mamaw I miss going fishin' with you and everyone else even though it wasn't my favorite thing to do, I just wanted to spend time with you guys before something like this happened. I miss giving you hugs everytime I seen you and I miss seeing you whenever we were out and you were just there. Just about everytime we go and eat breakfast at Hardee's I can see you there getting your biscuits and gravy..Papaw always took you there. It's hard only getting to see someone in pictures now and then when those tears drop onto the ground all you can do is bundle up and cry or go talk to someone who cares about how you feel and wants to comfort you when your depressed about losing someone you loved so much. You know I had painted a picture of roses, since that was your favorite flower, and I was going to give it to you on Christmas but you never got it because Christmas was too far away for you. Christmas, all the memories, almost every year I would look forward to gettin' me a new Barbie! Then those last few years I would get anything and everything..Always the same as Lesheana but we didn't care..Just opened them at the same time so we wouldn't just know and let it take the excitement out of it..Mamaw, I know that you knew when you had to go and you knew it was your time. I wish that you would have warned us or something. I keep on thinking..If only they hadn't taken you out to smoke that night when they did that maybe you'd still be here to love and keep us company but maybe I'm just dreaming. Mamaw, I *LOVE* and *MISS* you *SOO*SOO* much!! I'm glad to know that I have a gaurdian angel to always watches over me and keeps me safe. I Love You Mamaw and I'll see you one day up in heaven when it's my time. Watch over Papaw and make sure he takes care of himself that way he can walk me down the isle on my wedding day along with Tim. I Love You and I will talk to you again someday, hopefully.
I Love You,