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~*Hey! My name is Kim Mills, most people call me Kimmy. I attended Burch High School..Unfortunately!! I played volleyball #6 and softball #26 for Burch! I'm graduated and it's great so far! Lol..I am single as of right now..And oh yes..It can SUCK sometimes..But I'ma just say Howdy to some of my favorite PpL..I Love You Guys More Than You Know!!*~


*Tyneal-We've been thru so much together..I'm so thankful for our Sweet 16..It brought us together..Thank God..We both needed eachother! :o) So many good times! Thanks for bein' there thru all the bad..All my cries! LoL! Shew..Not only do I cry over me but over everything with you..Lol..Married and havin' me and Greg a baby! I can't wait to see my little neice or nephew! I Love You Neal!*

*Sissy-This used to say I don't know what I'd do without you..Probably go crazy..And now that I am basically without you I feel like I could go crazy sometimes..I Miss*&*Love You Sissy!*

*Jeff-Eventhough we love eachother it never seems like it will work..Ya never know..Maybe one day it will..I've always said that if it's meant to be then God will make it happen..I Love You..June 4, 2001*

*Greggie-We're gonna make red headed babies..LMAO..I'm glad we have almost all of our classes together..I'm an idiot when it comes to math :o\ Lol..Don't make fun! HAHA! Love Ya!*

*Meagan-You're one of those ppl that are different in their own special way and I'm so glad that you are! You're a great person and I'm glad that we're close! I tell you things that I would NEVER tell neone else! And KNOW that you won't tell a soul! Thanks so much for listenin' and carin' so much! I miss you! I Love Ya Sis!!*

*Candace-One trip to Morgantown down and many more to go! Startin' over..Man..Crazy memories..Hopefull more to come! Glad we're gettin' closer again! I Love Ya!*

*Kym-I still haven't had volleyball practice for my birthday! Lol..Morgantown is so great! I so wish I could be there all the time! Lol..I wish Jeff would accept what you and Isak have..Lol! I Love Ya Sis!!*

*Eddie-Thanks for carin' and hopin' I'll feel better..You're too sweet! I miss ya ;o)*

*Brandon-You're always here for me and I know that! And you know I'm always here for you no matter what!We've had so many crazy times over the years! Ya only call when you have problems! LOL! You're like my brother! I Love Ya Bran!!*

*Ash-We haven't really talked much before now but you're a wonderful person..I'm glad that you reached out to me that night when I was so upset..Never change! I'm always here for you! Man..Them boys are horrible to us! LoL! Tallness is great! Trust me! Have no fear! LoL! I Love Ya!*

*Lesheana-Shew..CJ1 and CJ2..Ya wouldn't try to confuse me would you!? LOL! It's gonna take from now 'til October 23rd to talk mom into lettin' me come to Marshall for homecoming to stay with you! LOL! We're gettin' a little closer now and I guess it's a good thing since we are related! Ha! I Love Ya!*

~*Class of 2004-Yeah..I miss you guys but I like bein' graduated..I'm glad it's over! I Love You Kids!! :o)*~

~*Shay, Nat*Lee, Zach, Fryfinator, Mikey, Mattakers, Jakey, Natafers, Nickers, Ralphie, JenniE, Gynther, Jass, Nathan S., Luke, Isak, Michael W., Le'ah, Kayla M., Kerri H., Rae W., Sethie, TC, Josh, Nathan D., Jeremy-&-Des, and last but not least Matt T! I Love You Guys!!*~

~*Those of you that I have forgotten tell me and I might be nice enough to add you..I'm just nice like that! I don't want ANY of you to forget that I love each and every one of you!! : )*~