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Justin's Electronic Portfolio

Information About My Teaching


Family Honor


Here are some evaluations from cooperating teachers, supervisors, and peers on my teaching experiences.

"Mr. Pritt shows great long term planning skills. He is always well prepared and organized. He would be a great assest to the teaching field" Debbie Gartin, Physical Education Teacher, North Elementary School

"Mr. Pritt's enthusiasm for teaching is tremendous! I would recommend him for any level of teaching." Bob Solley Physical Education Teacher, Suncrest Middle School

"Managing time is never a problem with Mr. Pritt, he is always aware of his time and utilizes it great. He has a great relationship with his students, as well." Jeff Stanley Physical Education Teacher, University High School

"Justin's knowledge of Physical Education would be a value to any school. He has great classroom control and makes sure all students are involved and active" Brian Yensen Future Physical Educator, West Virginia University

Family Honor


Below are links to several self-reflections of various lessons. Each reflection demonstrates my strong points, weak points, and what I would change to make the lesson better.

Reflection one is a lesson on teamwork. This lesson was co-taught with two cohorts, however, I taught one part of it individually. I taught a kickball game that consisted of everyone running the bases instead of one person kicking and running, while the rest of the students are waiting their turn in line.

Reflections two and three are volleyball lessons. These lessons were taught before my student teaching experience. The 5th grade class was divided into four teams. I was responsible for teaching one of these teams.

Reflection four was a tennis lesson that involved teaching the backhand volley. I taught my peers in physical education, which consisted of 19 people. This was an interesting lesson because, at the time, I did not know much about tennis, especially the backhand volley.

Reflection 1 ||| Reflection 2 ||| Reflection 3 ||| Reflection 4 |||

Teaching Effectiveness: Volleyball Pre and Post-Test Data

Pre-Test Data:
During my student teaching at a local Morgantown middle school, I implemented a volleyball unit through the sport education model. Part of this unit consisted of distributing a pre-test before the students actually got involved in the volleyball unit. The pre-test consisted of ten general questions about volleyball. These questions were included in my objectives for the unit. The link below is the pre-test template.

The pre-test was given to 19 7th grade students. Of these students, only 1 successfully explained all four volleyball skills, bump,set,serve, and spike. Ten students knew that volleyball was played to 15 points, and nine students realized that one must serve to score. Not one student correctly identified the rotation used in volleyball. Seven students knew that a team only gets three hits on their side before it must go over the net. 12 students concluded that a person cannot hit the ball two consective times without someone else touching the ball. Finally, only three students said they enjoyed playing volleyball.
Post-test data:
The post-test was exactly the same questions, and it was given in the 13th lesson of the 14 total lessons in the volleyball unit. The questions remained the same to identify how effective my teaching and planning was during this unit. In addition to the pre-test link, their is also a link to the post-test. The post test data is as follows:

16 of the 19 students could explain the bump, set, serve, and spike. 18 students knew that volleyball is played to 15 points. All 19 students identified that a team must serve to score. My greatest accomplish was that all 19 students explained the rotation of players in volleyball. In addition, all 19 students knew that a team can only hit the ball three times on their side before it must go over the net and learned that a person cannot hit the ball twice in a row. Finally, 14 students explained that they enjoyed playing volleyball. A big improvement from the three students who said they enjoyed volleyball before the volleyball unit.

