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What's in this site? What's going to be in this site?

if you have any ideas to share with me on things I may add to this site to make it better, please feel free to email me. My email is listed in here somewhere.

Hello, and welcome to my site. This is the pre-site page. It will be used to list advertisements on making money and explaining the advertisements. These advertisements are only of the types you can make money on. It will also list links to my other pages and explain them a little.

I understand that everybody needs to make money. Some people don't mind paying to get started as long as they are making enough in return to cover both what they spent to get started and to make enough extra so that it's making it worth their time.

That, however, is not me. I only like to make money. It doesn't bother me to work for the money I earn. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't feel right if I got money for doing nothing. HOWEVER, I get paid for doing things like listing advertisements in my web pages and downloading things that track how much time I spend online and so I make money that way. So, some of the things I get paid for is doing nothing. That is what I am sharing with you. I know that you don't beleive me when I say that you really make money doing this, but you do. I am currently waiting on my monthly checks. I get a check from each company that is paying me for what I signed up to do. If you are worried about your home address getting out online, sign up for a P.O box (post office box) and have all your checks and mail sent there. Anyone can do this.

Anyway, I get paid for some of the advertisements listed, but others I am not,(but that's ok, because I make a lot for what I do. I don't do that much. I'm not gonna feed you a bunch of bull and say that I make between $500 and $50,000 because I know that it seems impossible and realistic. I don't beleive it...well, I do, but you have to really work for it and these companies think that if they make it look simple they'll get another guinney pig. Well, I am here to save you from that. I will tell you that everything that I tell you about me getting paid will be true. I'm not saying that you can't make betwee $500 and $50,000, because you can...however you really have to work for it and sometimes it's not worth why not get a few small checks for doing almost nothing that add up to be about $500 a month) I want other people to know they can make money and I want them to be able to find ways a lot easier. That is why I have created this page. So, very few things will I get paid for. All you have to do is click on one of these advertisements to learn more about making money. I may get paid between $0.02 and $10.00 a click, but you can get paid more for it. if you sign up, I may get paid between $0.10 and $15.00 or more, but you can earn more than that just by doing what I am doing or coming up with better ideas. I advertise for your benefit, but I am not a paying advertiser so when you submit your information, then I am not the one that will receive it or even know you did or didn't do it. I won't even know who it was on my site or in an advertisement I listed, so I will know nothing about what you get paid or when or how much you get paid, but I can tell you that I will try to remember to make a special note under each advertisement that requires you to pay anything. That way you will know what you are putting in to it and won't have to worry about what's going in and out of your account without you fully understanding it.

Now, below I have some advertisements listed. all you have to do is click on the one(s) you want and read what they have to offer. Oh, and don't worry, I will not be sending you any mail, because I have nothing to do with what you do inside the sites you go to when you click on my banners. Remember, a lot of these are free, I am trying to remember to list a notice under each ones saying whether or not they are free.

If you do not wish to view the advertisements, make money, but wish to explore my site a little further to see what is there, then feel free to do so, by clicking the button that says "welcome"

click here to enter my site