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~JeSsIcA's PaGe~

Hi, my name is Jessica and I'm currently attending the Huntington School of Beauty Culture where I will graduate as a Cosmetologist in October 2004.

I would just like to say hey to all of the special people in my life..

**Shaun** You are literally the love of my life. Never in my life did I think anyone could make me as happy as you have. This is our beginning babe we still have so much more. I love you!!!!!

**MaNdA**I just want to tell you that we are about weird, just in case you didn't already know Do what makes you happy in life Max, and don't worry about anyone else. Luv ya gurlie!

**DaNiElLe**OMG gurl we've been friends 4-eva and then has never been boring for us....We've been through alot of crap and got ourselves into alot of trouble...ALWAYS remember to LOOK OUT FOR FENCES.....BFF Gurlie...LYLAS!!

**AsHlEy** Gurlie u've been through it all w/me I couldn't ask for a better friend. You know that I'm always here for you when u need me.......BFF..LYLAS

**JiLl** My roomie!!!! Gurl you are a complete NUT!!! There is never a dull moment living you with. I think we go to the mall like everyday! LOL.


***Justin Anthony McCoy "aka Buck"*** There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss and think about you! I know your right here by my side guiding me and directing me in the direction that I need to go. I know that you'll never leave my side, and I know that I'll never let you leave my heart! I luv ya Buck!!!

***Anna Marie Gill "aka Annuh, Anner" Shew gurlie I don't know what memory to start with. I will never forget you Anner, you or all of our baseball memories. I miss you gurlie. Look over us all and keep us safe!!!

Ok well, I know my page really sucks, but it's alright...Check out the pic page although alot of those pics are extremely old. Thanks for visting it anyway.

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