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 Burch Pre K - 6 Elementary School's 5th Grade

Home of the Bulldogs

Teachers:     Ms. Young, Ms. Simpkins, Ms. Farley

                        Ms. J.Smith & Mr. Fraley: (resource teachers)

                        Ms. Lester, Mr. Clusky, Ms. Jarrell (related art teachers)



MOTTO:  "We are the best of all the rest!"

What to expect??


How to help your child to succeed in school:                


Supplies Needed for the 2004-2005 School Year

                                                paper                                          glue sticks

                                                pencils                                       One large box of  Kleenex

                                                pencil top erasers                   Handiwipes/Wet Ones (one container)

                                                double pocket folder                            crayons/colored pencils/markers

                                                small composition book           


Class Schedule                                                                                         

5-1                                                                              5-2                                                                          5-3                                 

Simpkins=Math/History                             Young = Reading                                        Farley=English/Science

Young = Reading                                             Farley=English/Science                        Simpkins=Math/History

Farley=English/Science                              Simpkins=Math/History                        Young=Reading

Related Arts                                                         Related Arts                                                    Related Arts

  Ms.T. Farley                              Ms.D.Simpkins                        Ms. D. Young


  Subject Expectations


English - Students will:

  • do grammar activities from the textbook and computer;                                          
  • learn to write a paragraph.
  • participate in the Reading Festival and Young Writers' competitions.

CATS/Science Students will:                

  • participate in CATS
  • do computer activities;
  • work in cooperative groups;
  • do Science Labs and Research Projects.

Math - Students will:                                                                                      

  • recognize and read numbers from thousandths to billions;
  • continue to add and subtract with regrouping;
  • multiply with two and three digit multipliers;
  • divide with two-digit divisors;
  • recognize and read fractions and decimal numbers;
  • add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and decimal numbers;
  • do simple geometry applications.

Spelling - Students will:

  • learn the meaning and spell 25 words per week.

Spellings Words

Unit 1 Words:  skinny, task, risk, spider, wasp, crisp, stopped, style, arrest, suggest, skeleton skunk, brisk, spilled, spinach, grasp, stumble, statue, boast, adjust  Challenge:  snakeskin, inspire, respect, frostbite, obstacle

Unit 2 Words:  strong, nothing, everything, blank, trunk, Thanksgiving, they, then, north, there, clothing, among, sting, hanger, lightning, chipmunk, shrink, without, though, thought  Challenge:  misunderstanding, strengthen, bankrupt, although, rhythm

Unit 3 Words:  knowledge, know, knew, numb, bomb, ghost, spahgetti, Christmmas, listening, fasten, knead, knitting, knapsack, tomb, climber, plumbing, aghast, hustle, mistletoe, whistling  Challenge:  knickknacks, ghetto, glistened, chestnut, wrestling

Unit 4 Words:  months, friends, grades, cowboys, valleys, matches, bushes, passes, batteries, companies, donkeys, missiles, costumes, pictures, mornings, kisses, dresses, benches, speeches, centuries  Challenge:  eyebrows, ambulances, toothbrushes, trophies, secretaries

Unit 5 Words:  followed, following, tried, trying, cuter, cutest, bigger, biggest, earlier, earliest, excited, exciting, wrapped, wrapping, amused, amusing, lighter, lightest, easier, easiest  Challenge:  continued, wealthier, magnified, continuing, wealthiest, magnifying


Unit 7: until, went, enough, TV, one, didn't, a lot, want, doesn't, always, necklace, exact, burglar, equipment, chimney, exist, rumbling, upon, athlete, examine, Challenge Words: sherbet, icicles, pajamas, explode, chlorine


Unit 8:  heavy, ahead, measure, already, said, again, degree, cheese, goalie, piece, jealous, meadow, weapon, against, succeed, Halloween, breeze, believe, thief, chief, Challenge Words: treasurer, breaststroke, dungarees, speedometer, windshield


Unit 9:  past, and,  perhaps, before, possible, solve, problem, swung, because, blood, accident, adventure, decided, pretend, belong, lobster, python, jungle, shuttle, flood, Challenge Words: asphalt, avalanche, betray, monopoly, umbrella


Unit 10:  brain, main, favorite, stranger, sidewalk, slide, bowling, owner, whole, globe, claim, complain, aliens, vacation, survive, crime, arrow, snowball, antelope, slope, Challenge Words:  campaign, radiation, requirement, postpone, casserole


Unit 11:  choose, school, threw, crew, drew, future, music, usually, taught, laundry, broom, scoop, booth, jewel, humor, Utah, naughty, daughter, sausage, launch, Challenge Words:  igloo, mildew, accumulate, slaughter, applause


Unit 12:  Review Units 7-11


Unit 13:  answer, minute, happened, library, opened, length, getting, when, finished, maybe, mystery, dentist, actually, width, caramel, pumpkin, quarter, sandwich, grabbed, frightening, Challenge Words:  necessary, environment, adopted, embarrassed, ambulance


Unit 14:  judge, major, subject, legend, general, character, chorus, occur, accurate, occasion, junior, lodge, ridge, ledge, Georgia, orchestra, mechanic, chord, accuse, raccoon, Challenge Words: prejudice, partridge, allergic, headache, accompany


Unit 15:  can not = can't, would not = wouldn't, I am = I'm, you are = you're, I will = I'll, let us = let's, that is = that's, do not = don't, there is = there's, I have = I've, were not = weren't, what is = what's, she is = she's, they are = they're, who is = who's, we are = we're, you have = you've, should have = should've, could have = could've, we have = we've  Challenge Words: there've ,who'd, mightn't, who've, what'll


Unit 16:  mailbox, nearby, into, sometimes, sunset, anything, daylight, something, haircut, note book, earthquake, hideout, textbook, volleyball, horseback, handwriting, kickstand, rattlesnake, fireplace, housework, Challenge Words: throughout, silverware, thumbtack, clothesline, blueprint


Unit 17: radio = radios, video = videos, piano = pianos, hero = heroes, potato = potatoes, cuff = cuffs, belief = beliefs, himself/herself = themselves, life = lives, leaf = leaves, patio = patios, banjo = banjos, echo = echoes, tornado = tornadoes, cliff = cliffs, hoof = hoofs, roof = roofs, loaf = loaves, half = halves  Challenge Words: portfolios, embargoes, chefs, handkerchiefs, calves


Unit 18:  Review Units 13-17


Unit 19: lonely, hundred, friend, built, beautiful, heard, radio, their, caught, bored, guard, pierce, shriek, receive, horrible, jewelry, tumble, northern, acre, museum, Challenge Words: unbelievable, fluorescent, exclaimed, capitalize, emperor


Unit 20: choice, noisy, loyal, destroy, powder, towel, downtown, amount, our, outside, spoil, poison, Illinois, annoy, oyster, voyage, drown, growl, couch, surround, Challenge Words:  turmoil, exploit, employer, cauliflower, foundation


Unit 21: army, starve, scar, garbage, hamburger, return, purpose, surface, courage, journal, argue, apartment, guitar, Arkansas, curl, purse, furniture, courtesy, nourish, journey, Challenge Words: departure, margarine, suburban, absurd. flourish


Unit 22: aware, prepare, share, dairy, stairway, dear, beard, appear, volunteer, career, declare, spare, beware, prairie, repair, weary, smear, cherry, pioneer, reindeer, Challenge Words: hardware, impair, millionaire, clearance, domineer


Unit 23: write, right, buy, by, to, too, bored, board, it's, its, threw, through, knead, need, main, mane, past, passed, allowed, aloud, Challenge Words: symbol, cymbal, ascent, assent, slay, sleigh


Unit 24:  Review Units 19-23 


Unit 25: please, pleasant, cloth, clothes, sign, signature, dream, dreamt, part, partial, moist, moisten, breathe, breath, create, creature, elect, election, practice, practical, Challenge Words: politics, politician, authority, authorize, compete, competition


Unit 26: discovered, disorder, unsure, unclear, unable, midweek, midyear, midway, pretest, preschool, disappoint, disobey, disapprove, unbuckle, unlimited, midnight, midstream, precook, prepaid, prerecorded, Challenge Words: disadvantages, uncertainty, unnecessary, Midwestern, premature


Unit 27:  comfortable, reasonable, washable, responsible, sensible, contestant, defiant, servant, student, resident, agreeable, valuable, convertible, flexible, reversible, observant, occupant, urgent, confident, opponent, Challenge Words: knowledgeable, biodegradable, collapsible, participant, correspondent


Unit 28: famous, nervous, mysterious, dangerous, selection, education, information, organization, conversation, joyous, marvelous, humorous, instruction, attraction, rejection, inflation, decoration, admiration, preparation, Challenge Words: contagious, ambitious, interception, appreciation, civilization


Unit 29: friend's, today's, Dad's, Mom's, sister's, child's, children's, person's, people's, grandmother's, grandfather's, uncle's, uncles', doctor's, doctors', cousin's, cousins', woman's, women's, Challenge Words:      pedestrian's, pedestrians', principal's, principals', bicyclist's, bicyclists'


Unit 30:  Review Units 25-29 


Unit 31: manager, president, different, terrible, finally, really, supposed, probably, California, especially, balance, constant, innocent, realize, opportunity, pollute, prisoner,  celebrate, grocery, elevator, Challenge Words: diamond, government, miniature, refrigerator, veterinarian


Unit 32: either, another, calendar, evil, cancel, label, eate, frozen, curtain, captain, computer, solar, particular, fossil, civil, channel, quarrel, siren, fountain, bargain,  Challenge Words:  cylinder, scholar, sentinel, hydrogen, villain


Unit 33: Houston, Alaska, Kentucky, Little Rock, Duluth, Arizona, Miami, Alabama, South Carolina, Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Memphis, Virginia, Oregon, Pittsburg, Delbarton*, West Virginia*, Varney*, Ragland*, Challenge Words: Louisiana, Juneau, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Cincinnati


Unit 34: of, off, except, accept, which, witch, where, were, weather, whether, plant, planet, bounds, bounce, desert, dessert, rise, raise, dinner, diner, Challenge Words: respectively, respectfully, adapt, adopt, conscious, conscience


Unit 35:  bookshelf, someone, everybody, nowhere, cupcake, home run, each other, hot dog, all right, high school, grandparent, wristwatch, everyone, blindfold, typewriter, pen pal, living room, peanut butter, no one, first aid,   Challenge Words:  splashdown, drawbridge, remote control, bulletin board, scuba diving


Unit 36: Review Units 31-35



Reading - Students will:                                                  

  • enjoy various types of literature;                                                                           
  • increase vocabulary skills;                                                                             
  • take reading selections test on the computer;
  • increase independent reading skills through Accelerated Reading;
  • read and share one additional reading selection per nine weeks.

U.S. History - Students will:

  • study history through textbook and video; "
  • participate in Social Studies Fair;
  • participating in a Veteran's Day program and/or parade.




School Rules 

    Classroom Rules: 

     1.  Students will exhibit appropriate behavior and speech.                                                                         

     2.  Students will do as directed by any adult.

     3.  Students will come to class prepared and on time.

     4.  Students will take proper care of school proverty.

Hall Way Rules: 

     1.  Students will exhibit appropriate behavior.

     2.  Students will walk to the right of the hall in a single file line.

     3.  Students will keep silent in the hall.

     4.  Students will do as directed by any adult.

Cafeteria Rules: 

     1. Students will exhibit appropriate behavior and speech.

     2. Students will do as directed by any adult.

     3. Students will speak in low voice tones.

     4. Students will dispose of all trash in the appropriate containers.

Bus Rules:  

     1.  Students will exhibit appropriate behavior and speech.

     2.  Students will do as directed by any adult.

     3.  Students will speak in low voice tones

     4.  Students will remain seated while the bus is in motion.


Fifth Grade Fun


Fifth Graders are very proud to be Americans, and we always honor our veterans with a program and a parade.







Our own Veteran and teacher - Mr. Saunders!

Thank-you Veterans!!

Veteran's Day 2004


Fifth Grade Honors Congressman Nick Joe Rahall during Constitution Week October 2005

The Honorable Nick Joe Rahall speaks to 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades.

Fifth Grade sings Happy Birthday to Sheriff Hannah!

5th Grade and Distinquished Visitors

Good Work! Students and Teachers



Fifth grade along with other students participated in aiding Hurricane Katrina victims.  Milk cartons were decorated as houses and filled with change. Burch Elementary and Lenore K-8 teamed together to raise over $4000.00

The theme of the collection: "Our Change Today May Change Your Tomorrow."

Math Field Day Competition

Math Field Day is hard work but alot of fun.  Of course, fifth graders love to win.

2002 Math Field Day Team

Won Second Place in the County, and one member went on to the Regional Competition.




2003 Math Field Day Team

Won First Place in the County, and two team members went on to compete in the Regional Competition.



2004 Math Field Day Team

Won Second Place in the County.  One member went on to place in the Regional Competition and then went on to the State Competition in Elkins, West Virginia.


2005 Math Field Day Team

Winning Second Place Team Trophy





Accelerated Reading is a very important activity in Fifth Grade because it motivates students to read.  Ms. Young coordinated a "Read by the Pool Day" which helped students get started toward attaining their individualized reading goal.


Fun Fridays



Watching the fun and enjoying the sun!

Get ready, set, go!


The Fifth Grade Team wrote and received a grant from Cedar Coal for creating a unit on coal.  Our class project was a king size quilt.  Each fifth grade student created a block in this quilt.  Although we did not win anything in the Coal Fair, we won First Place in the School and County Social Studies Fairs.  We also won honorable mention in the West Virgina State Social Studies Fair.


Coal Warms America

The Fifth Grade Team, with help from a great many volunteers, set up a Math Fair to provide students with situations involving math skills and concepts.  The students were divided into teams, and each team visited each of the ten math stations.  Points were earned at each station.  Team and individual winners were recognized.

Station Measure & Compute


Station Yard Sale "How Much Can I Buy?"


Station Estimation


Station Shapes "How Many Shapes Does it Take to Cover an Object?  Less wins points!"

Station Toothpick Puzzel


Station Mental Math


Station Physical Math: Four Tasks

"How Many Books Can You Squeeze?"

"Stack the Pennies on the Pencil"

"Bean Bag Toss"


Station Domino Math Problems

Station Money - Making Change

Station Cotton Candy



String Art makes nice Mother's Day Gifts


Christmas Play 2001

"A Mouse's Tale"

Christmas Mice!


Sheep, with an Attitude

Shepherds and their one Little Sheep

"Rapping Camels"

Wise Men


Mary, Joseph, Angels, Cow, & Donkey



Mouse Choir


Choir Mice taking a break


Action, Lights, Camera! We're ready to start the play.



Dancing to the Camel Rap


Donkey, Young Granny Mouse, & Cow


Under the Spotlight!


The Grand Finale


Merry Christmas!




2003 Christmas Play


A Christmas musical drama in which Christmas ornaments and manger figurines team together in order to retrieve the Baby Jesus from Heord, the mean old cat.


Happy Clown Ornament, Angelhead Ornament, Shepherd Figurine, and tinsil covered Cowboy Charlie are ready to perform.

Toy Soldier Ornament, Cow Figurine, and Ballerina Ornament are ready to go!

Angel, Bright Bird, Happy Clown, Snowman, Narrator and Bulbs are ready and waiting, but the Mary Figurine looks scared!


Ho, Ho, Ho! Santa's ready to go.


Who's got the Baby Jesus?

Santa-without the beard, Snowball ornament, Choir members, Red Baby Bulb, Ping Bulb, (in the back) Gabriel-the Arc Angel, Sparkles, and Light Technician.

Blue Bulb, Shepherd with staff, Gold Bulb, Angelhead, Manger Angel, Snowball, 2nd Shepherd, Happy Clown, Choir Members.

Let's practice one more time - everybody sing!


Ms. Young looks worried!


Preparing to go on stage!


Narrator does her stuff!


Happy Clown sings "Why Do We Dangle."

"I am a ballerina, how beautiful I am, I am a symbol of His beauty and grace."

Angelhead sings her story about a fall from grace.

Bulbs talk about Angelhead's meeting with the cat.

Toy Soldier gives orders.

Donkey gets down!  "I may be just a donkey, carved out of wood-a figure in the manger sence, but I feel pretty good. Cause I'm the one who brought Him........His sweet little mother, Mary was a prize and that's a fact.  Over eighty pounds upon my bony back." 

Baby Jesus is back in the manger sence.

The tree is decorated.

Gabriel commends Angelhead for her act of bravery in saving Christmas.


Merry Christmas, Everyone!



2004 Spring Musical - Possibilities


5th Grade Goes on Tour

First Stop - Varney Grade School

Introductions by Mr. Bobbera

The program, "Possibilities," begins!

The Poodle Skirt Dance

Rappin to the Music

Last Song

Next stop-Burch High School!


Eagle's Nest Welcome

Live and On-stage Performance!



Education Rocks 2005

Fifth grade presented this motivational musical program before parents and the student body in an effort to encourage students to do their very best on the 2005 WESTEST.

After a year of fun and hard work, Fifth Graders reap the rewards.


Awards 2004


2005 WESTEST Proud!

These students scored "mastery" on the Science WESTEST. They were treated to an ice cream cup.

These students scored "Above Mastery" on the Science WESTEST. They were treated to  two scoops of ice cream with toppings of their choice.

These students scored "Distinguished" on the Science WESTEST. They were treated to three scoops of ice cream, toppings of their choice, whipped cream, and cherries.


Bulletin Board        

If you have any questions, please call 2:45 between 3:15 to make an appointment to see us.



for visiting us.  Check back to find student assistance, test dates, and projects.

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