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      Mary Baker was born on July 27, 1752, the daughter of John and Margaret Baker.  John ( 1718-1795) was the son of Joseph (1674-1735) and  and Martha Woodward ,  another daughter of Richard and Jane Nayle Woodward  .   Joseph is often referred to as "the nephew", for he arrived in Pennsylvania in 1684 along with his aunts and uncles: John, Joseph, Hannah, Sarah and Mary Baker, all the children of Robert and Mary Baker.  It is thought that Joseph  "the Nephew" was the child of yet another sibling, one that did not emigrate to the "New World";  Peter, Robert, Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary (the elder) and Margarett did not make the trip.  (It is believed that there were 2 different sisters named Mary  because Robert had been married twice and had a daughter named Mary by each wife).  Our emigrating  Bakers were from Edgmont,  Shropshire , England and both  parents were dead by the time the 6 Bakers left England.

        There is much speculation that our Baker line is somehow related to Sir Richard Baker, called The Chronicler..  However this link has not been established, and the will of Sir Richard gives no indication of familial ties to the Pennsylvania Bakers.... more research is needed to completely rule it out, but there are no real provable indications that there is a relationship.

        There is a wonderful website for those interested in these Bakers of Chester County;

     The background for this page is the Hicksite section of the Middletown Cemetery, where Mary Baker is buried.  Her Husband, Joseph Newlin was buried in the Orthodox section of the same cemetery.

August 27, 1731. March 10, 1735/6. A. 448.
Provides for wife Martha. To Francis Yarnall and his 3 children 5 
shillings each. To son Richard and his 3 children 5 shillings
each. To son Aaron £10. To daughter Ann and her husband James
Sill £10. To daughter Susanna £10. To daughter Jane and her husband 
Thomas Thomas 5 shillings and their 4 children £3 each. To son Jesse 
£10. To daughter Sarah and her husband 5 shillings. To son Joseph the 
plantation. To daughter Rachel £10. To son Nehemiah £10. To son John 
£10. Legacies to be paid by son Joseph.
Executors: wife Mary and Sons Richard and Aaron.
Witnesses: Evan Howell, Eph. Jackson, Sarah Howell.