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Hi my name is Mike Facemire but everyone just calls me face. I am currently a 6th year Music Education Major at . Don't ask why I'm still here. WHY LEAVE? I also work at where I am an evening manager. .

I drive a , I live in an apartment, and I pay my taxes.

I currently reside in Glenville West Virginia. I have A beautiful wife Robyn, and two adorable children Alyssa, and Aden. Robyn knows everthing about me, she know's all my little quarks, and she still loves me. She knows that I like my socks turned the correct way, she uses a sheet on the bed(even though she hates a sheet with a passion), and everytime I say something stupid she's always there to forgive me. Robyn has always been perfect for me. Ever since that day almost 6 years ago that I laid eyes on her I knew that I was going to marry her someday. So it must be destiny.

Something else that must be destiny.

It used to be that I was skinny. I dont' know what happened. I used to be 180lbs., but now i'm pusing 220. Why is that? I dont' like being fat. But I am. Oh well.

On to a subject that makes me happy!!!

I think that Dream Theater is one of the best bands in the world. I love there music, no I crave it sometimes. I can sit and listen to their music all day long, in fact if I were trapped on a desert island with only one cd, Dream Theater would be the music of choice. Chances are i'm listening to them right now.

Check out these Sites

Dream Theaters Web-Site
Glenville State College Web-Site My Cousin Todd's Site

