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__SEPTEMBER 14, 2009__

September 14, 2009 CWC Minutes
President, Ruth Egnor called the meeting to order.

The Pledge of Allegiance and
The Lord’s Prayer were recited.

Member’s recited the Club Collect.

Misty Mills read the minutes from the April 13, 2009

Treasurer’s Report was given by Doris Adams $592.03
was in the account.

President Egnor welcomed our new members
into the club and made Bobbi Akers an honorary member.

Ruth Egnor, informed members of
Helen Garcia’s passing and spoke about the dedication
and time Helen had given to our club over the years.
Ruth suggested that members
Write a note to Helen’s son, Richard
speaking of what Helen meant to them.

Apple Butter

Members discussed and decided to peel 14 bushels of
apples on Monday Sept. 21, 2009 at 9am for apple

butter to be sold at the Apple Butter Festival scheduled for September 26th & 27th.

Member’s decided that the price of the apple butter
should be raised to $9.00 a Jar due to the rise
in the cost of apples and jars.

An Afghan was made by Janie Frye to
chance off at the Festival and Members decided that
a $50.00 Gift Certificate for groceries at Workman’s IGA would
be given to a lucky winner who signed up at our booth.

President Egnor suggested that all jars of Apple
Butter made should be taken to the Apple Butter
Festival to be sold and that helpers should not
receive a free jar of apple butter this year due
to the fact only one run of
apple butter will be made.

Member’s agreed.

Misty Mills volunteered to make the apple butter
labels while Irma Colegrove and Michelle Welch
volunteered to put cloth tops on the jars.

Dues are to be paid by October’s Meeting and
should be given to Misty Mills.
They are $25.00 this year.

Teresa Hicks, Terri Shriver, Amy Adams & Tammy Walls
are to host the food table at October’s Meeting.

Teresa Hicks & Teresa Evans spoke about organizing
the hospice walk this year scheduled for Saturday
Sept. 19, 2009 at Chief Logan State Park and invited
members to participate in the walk.

Ruth Egnor made a motion for our club donate $250.00
to hospice and Carol Mills seconded.

Members submitted their Name, Address, Phone Numbers
and birthdays to Misty Mills.

Irma Colegrove volunteered to send birthday cards to
members on their birthday.

President, Ruth Egnor installed New Member,
Denise Vint.

Terri Shriver was a stand in for Leah Bias
Teresa Hicks stood in for her daughter, Sarah Ferris
Irma Colegrove stood with Denise Vint.

Members Doris Adams and Laura Colegrove celebrated
birthdays the month of September.
Carol Mills Blessed the food.

The meeting was adjourned.

17 members were present.

Doris Adams
Opal Bell
Irma Colegrove
Laura Colegrove
Ruth Egnor
Milford Evans
Teresa Evans
Teresa Hicks
Grace Lucas
Carol Mills
Kay Mills
Misty Mills
Michelle Welch
Terri Shriver
Frances Sutherland
Denise Vint
Tammy Walls

Honorary Member: Bobbi Akers

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