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Here Are The Kittens!!!

These are the three kittens that I got from the barn. I am their foster "Mom" until I find homes for them. They were abandoned by their "kitty mom", so I took them. It's been a real handful caring for them. I have to bottle feed them about 5 times a day. They still need milk, they're only 4 weeks old. Just in the last couple days I have started to feed them moist kitten food. The first time I tried they all had to have baths after. They couldn't figure out how to get the food off a dish, so they stepped in it and got it all over their faces. It was really cute, but I'm glad they have it figured out now. I hope to have them in their new homes by the end of October.
Let me introduce them to you!!
This is Moby. We named him after Moby Dick, cause he's huge. He is the big strong male of the litter. He could be ready to leave before the rest, but I still feed him milk... So he stays. He loves to play with the other kittens, but they're not as tough as him and they end up trying to get away from him. I play with him a lot so he doesn't feel bad.
This is Zander. We named him that because he is goofy like Zander on "Buffy". He is our little fighter. He got really sick one night and we thought we lost him. He pulled through with flying colours and now he's doing fine! I have to make sure he doesn't eat to fast or he will get sick again. He will make a great friend for another kitty when he finds his new home. He looks the most like his father out of all the kittens.
This is Lucky. You can guess where the name is coming from. She is the runt of the litter, and is very lucky to have survived without a mom. She is quite small, but she doesn't let that stop her. You can see the size difference between Moby and Lucky, they took a nap in the sun one afternoon. Lucky's a little camera shy, so I have had trouble getting pictures of her. She doesn't play with her brothers that much. They're a little more than she can handle, so she plays quietly with her toys. She loves to curl up on my lap, or anyones lap, and sleep the day away. She is doing really well now, and she's going to keep getting bigger.
Well, these are the kittens. I have really enjoyed the time I have spent with them. I'm going to miss them when they go, but I know they'll be in good homes. A new family is going to love them and care for them as they grow up and turn into wonderful companions. I wish them and their families all the best in the future.

Congatulation's to Lucky!!! She has moved to her new home and is doing very well. She has a sister kitty to play with and everyone is very very happy!!!

Congratulation's also goes out to Moby, he has moved to a wonderful home. One of the vet technicians at the animal clinic adopted him. He now has a big brother to play with all day long.

I am pleased to announce that Zander stayed with me. He's my little baby. Everyone, except Mortimer, loves having him in our family. He has had his umbilical hernia repaired (that's what made him so sick) and he is growing like a weed. At 6 months old, he weighed an amazing 8 lbs 9 ounces. He is almost bigger than Mortimer. He will continue to grow into a huge cat. I absolutely love him, he's the kind of cat I always wanted.

Here are some pictures of Moby and Zander, at 4 months old, having a nap in the livingroom. They are so cute together!!

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