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2003 Show Season

These two pictures (shown above) were taken by a professional
photographer at the 2003 Paint Horse Show at the AGRIPLEX.
We are finally doing well in Halter classes. It took a couple extra years to get Vantage in good shape, but it was worth the wait. There has been a huge improvement in our performance this year. I can't wait to see what next year will bring. This is the first time that I have ever shown Vantage in a driving class. She did really well. We received many compliments for our performance. Pleasure Driving has definitely become part of our show program. It was great!

Dave Pawluck Benefit Show
This show was put on by the Lakehead Light Horse Association in support of one of their fallen riders who had a horrible accident in the begining of the year. The show had many people come out who normally don't attend local events. It was great to see the support from the community, and the show raised almost $4000.00 for the family.
This is one of the pictures that turned out from this show. I didn't come out very clear, but you get the idea.
This was the second time that Vantage and I got to show in a driving class. This class was against two ponies. It was really funny to go around the ring with a full-sized horse and lap all the ponies.