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User TYREE15 at Marshall University

Amber's Webpage

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About Me
Hi, my name is Amber Tyree and I am a student at Marshall University where I am majoring in Elementary Education and considering getting a degree in Special Ed.

I am originally from Washington, WV where I've lived my whole life. I have two parents, obviously, and an older brother named Ryan who goes to WVU.

My favorite things to do are: go shopping, learn to sign songs, listen to music(mainly Christian and Country), go to church, and anything that has to do with the computer. I'm also a BIG Zelda fan and I don't think there is anything more fun than that.

I have a wonderful boyfriend of three and a half years named Randy Shears, and I love him very much. On the weekends we enjoy playing Yahtzee and SkipBo, and if we're feeling really wild, then we get with some friends and play Pit.

That's about all I can think of. Hope you enjoy my site, what little of it there is, and I promise there will be more to come.