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bed of roses...

My Dearest...

I am caught in the grasp of a most lovely vision. I have arrived and about ready to enter the room that shall be ours to share the most awaited and cherished of moments. As I enter, the thought occurs to me that I enter more than just a room. That this door which lends entry is no mere portal at all. It is now the only thing keeping us from each other's arms.

It is opened now and the realization will be that no matter what circumstances we shall find ourselves to be in, we shall forever have access to each other.

My heart pounds as this door now shuts, safely keeping us in, and alone, and keeping all else out. My eyes gaze and then fill with the beauty I see before me. For you are there and have been awaiting me as I have awaited you. We fall into each other's embrace and this moment is savored. Never before has holding another felt so right. It is a missing piece of a puzzle has at long last been found and put in its proper place, completing a creation and the picture can now be clearly seen.

At last, a long and hungry kiss is exchanged and that desire which has been burning so fiercely for you from deep within me has now become passion's fire which must be allowed to consume us. I remove your clothing as you allow my lips to taste all I see. Until finally, you are before me in entire nakedness. I have never known such beauty and I join you in this nakedness. Now we are together, no clothes, no inhibitions, no hesitations, no regrets. This moment has for too long been denied. We are left alone to bring the pleasures so heartfelt to each other... and we do so again and again.

Our lives as our bodies will be forever changed. For we have at long last shared that which is the most personal part of each.

How wonderful the thought, that we shall be allowed to fully wish each other a good night. And now dreams shall be forever changed as well. Memories shall have been born that no one may take away. And for myself, I will want the slumber to end quickly so that I may find the next day to be with you again.

Though we both know that time shall pass too quickly, the moments we shall share will be the most sincere, the most wonderful. I want to leave you with the warmest of memories, hope and want for tomorrow, and the desire to be with me again. I want you to have felt the deepest of pleasures, and gratification, and satisfaction. I want you to know, that never before has any man loved you as I love you. I want you to know that this love will grow, will be more passionate, more yours with every day.

This today will lead to our tomorrows. And will lead us to a day when no time need be hurried, when no distance shall exist between us, we no door shall keep us apart. We shall be forever one and forever together. Smiles will be brighter and more frequent... hearts forever opened to each other. And we shall never have say farewell... but only goodnight...

I love you

I cannot wait for reality!
Though I have thoroughly enjoyed the dream...
and you are both.

Beth and Bill