
In a Box



She somehow wove her nets around you. She pulled you in and drew you close, yet you are not close enough. You can't get close. You can't break the shell. You can't see into the soul beyond those eyes. In most cases, your eyes have not even risen far enough to take in their depth and everchanging hues. So here you are, looking into her words toward the answer to what is beyond the surface.

But could you be considered a fan? If you are here, you must be. You are on the brink of seeing the reality behind the personality that has brought you laughter and tears. Step carefully for you never know what lies behind closed doors until you open them.

So pick a link and sink deeper into the enigma that is known as Bella. Try not to linger too long or the world may pass you by, but stop by often.

Bella's Intimate Fan Page | Annabella Ordena |
fanklubz at meowmail dot com | August 20, 2003

Pick Up Some Bella Merchandise



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