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They say it's been a year since you went to heaven but it only seems like yesterday.

Daddy and I think about you all the time and wonder why God took you home to be with him.

It wasn't easy for us to let you go, bubby still wonders about you, even if he won't say the words.

We celebrated your birthday at your gravesite yesterday, it was raining but we didn't care.

We sat in the van and filled your balloons and put your tags on all of them.

We released them after we were home - they floated so high then just drifted with the wind.

I cried when bubby and I let the last one go, it was like burying you all over again.

We hope you are having a wonderful birthday with all of your friends and family in Heaven.

We miss you baby girl and love you so much.

Love Always -

Mommy, Daddy, Corey, Devin, Grandma & Pap Pap Bragg, Grandma & Pappy Lang, Great Grandparents: Jim & Mary Allison, Norma Floyd, & Florence Lang, Aunts: Nancy, Erin, & Charity, Uncles: Shawn & Doug, Cousins: Kayla, Shawn, Mackenzie, & Nathan