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Check these links out, there are some great bands and sites listed below...I hope you enjoy these HERE to go back to the main page.

Here you go you leaches

World Wide Punk~THE punk rock site
Mindless Magazine-A WV E-Zine, It's pretty cool, check it out.
Internet Wrestling Zone~This is a good place for us Rasslin' nerds
Quincy Punx~This is one of my favorite punk bands ever...
Crust As Fuck~The site for political punk (for those of you who care about politics)
Active Minds~A small political distro/site...
Blood & Spit~This is a small distro, they have some decent records
Choked~I have no idea whats going on with this site
Controlled Conscience~A good political distro
Havoc Records~One of my favorite distro/labels. (Code 13 baby)
Beer City skate/records~A good Skate/Punk site (The U.S. Bombs have records on this label)
Radical Records~A really good Punk/oi label (Blanks 77 is on this label)
Rec ess Records~Another good label (The Quincy Punx and F.Y.P are on this one)
Mutant Pop Records~A great Pop-Punk Label (The Connie Dungs are on this label)