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World Harvest Church / Breakthrough

Monday May 5th 2003 @ 11:17am

Before I get started with links & photos and all sorts of things, I need to start by putting up the very first church service that I was able to take notes on. I went to a Healing, Miracle, & Deliverance Service last night. It was awesome as always. I'm putting these services up here, not only as a reminder to myself but, for those of you out there who have not yet visited out church & can only watch on tv.

Trust me, I know that feeling all too well & I'll get into detail about that later

These are a few of the states that I remember people coming from:

California (Los Angeles actually), Texas, West Virginia, Illinois, Kenya, Pennsylvania, Michigan (Originally from the Ukraine) and Tennessee. There a lot of others but, I could hardly keep up when I'm trying to watch what is going on & taking notes all at the same time *smiles*

The songs were awesome too. "You Are Highly Exalted O Lord" -- "Praise Him In Everything" -- "Glory Hallelu"

I don't know in what order these people were up on the platform. I was having enough trouble trying to find space on my piece of paper I had to actually TAKE the notes so, when you read about what went on, the order in which I list them may be "Out Of Order"

The people I remember coming up on stage:

There was a lady from Illinois who came in a wheelchair named "Pastor Ella Richardson". This kinda made me do a double take because I don't think I heard the part about "Illinois". All I heard was the name "Ella" and a very good preacher friend of mine is named Ella; wasn't the same girlie though!

She had come from Illinois in a wheelchair because she couldn't breathe -- she is such a TINY thing. Pastor said: "Put her here behind the pulpit", then he turned to us (the congregation) and said: "Show her what her church is gonna look like". You should have seen all the thousands of people shouting, hands in the air, jumping up & down Praising God! It was awesome. Can you imagine being a preacher & looking at another church, KNOWING that, one day, THIS is what kind of church you're gonna have? If that were me, looking at all those people, I think I would literally faint LOLOL!!

There was a pastor that had come all the way from Los Angeles California. He was originally from Guatamala. He had diverticulitis and God told him that if he went to Columbus Ohio to World Harvest Church that God would heal him. I'D GO! LOL!

Pastor said that that very afternoon, God had told him something (I can't remember verbatim now) about how he was gonna heal diverticulitis tonight. He even showed the pastor from L.A. how it was written in his Bible from this afternoon when God gave him the message.

Pastor turned around to face the congregation and he stuck his left arm out to his side. It was our right and Pastor's left. He said: "The Holy Spirit told me not to look in that direction. There is a young man, in rebellion from God and this could be your last call. All I know is, he has blonde hair".

After a short time later, this blonde kid comes up to the platform and his name was Sam. Pastor told Sam, "You & I are gonna be good buddies". Hey now! That guy is lucky LOLOL!!! He was one of I think, 6 brothers and sisters? and Sam was the first to get saved. His two sisters were there and they ALSO got saved. Pastor just kinda looked at the two girls next to Sam and he said: "These are your sisters"? "And THEY'RE gonna say yes to Jesus" *yaaaay!

Sam's mom and dad both said they have 4 or 5? other brothers and sisters that they are praying for to get saved. Pastor said: "Shout that hell just lost Sam".


Drat! I need to go for today but, I'll be back tomorrow to finish my website (hopefully). I'm also gonna be givin' the Miracle, Healing, and Deliverance Services its own section somewhere within this site so it won't be as long & drawn out as it is right now.



Links To Other Portions Of My Site

Mike Purkey's Official Home Page
Fathers Day 2003 -- Part Of My Journal
