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u WaNt SoMe SpEeD?

How is it cheating? It's not cheating if everyone on the server is using the speed hack, so that is why i have included this link below. So get it, try it and then you will realise that it is also hard to master. It does in my opinion even out the low/high ping difference's. I have only tried this on Claranet as it seems to be full of speed hack players although try others if you wish. If you are the only person using the speed hack on the server then offer to remove it, as then it would be classed as a cheat. This speed hack has improved the game so much, I and a lot of others who use the hack believe there should be a dedicated server for this.------------------------------------------------------- Download the file, replace your kingpin.exe with the hacked kingpin.exe. To activate in game access the console (`) and type "Set Timescale 2" you can set between 1-50 I think, but personally I can only handle it at 3, after that it gets ridiculous. DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY. THE NEXT TIME SOMEONE CALLS YOU A CHEATER REFER THEM TO THIS SITE SO THAT THEY CAN TRY THIS SPEED HACK FOR THEMSELVES.------------------------------------------------------- I had an enlightening conversation with certain idiots (who happened to be low pingers)tonight on claranet server after it had been secured. They were of the opinion that the speed hack was for cheating b#####d lamers (when they themselves had tried to use it and performed poorly hehe).Someone (not me) then commented that they were cheatin low ping b#####ds.They loled and loled and said" Its not cheatin we pay for it"and "Its like a good sport u have to pay to get better".------------------------------------------------------- Yes the update addict is back hhehehehehe claranet is keeping one of their servers for the speed mod is speed mod sever ther other server is not.------------------------------------------------------- Here is an email i recieved from Greg Currie of claranet on the subject:------- Hi I have had requests to block this off and to leave it enabled on the servers. I have compomised for the moment by blocking the speed cheat/hack?!?!?? on and I have left it available on This should allow people who want to all use the hack to use spectrum while those who dont like it to use zx81. I will leave the servers like this for a while and see what response I get. Thanks Greg Currie Claranet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No, thank you Greg for listening to the wishes of both pro and con speed hack views unlike many others ie planet kingpin and wireplay dictators.


kingpin speed hack download here
The author's website( visit here to see the censored posts from wireplay forum))
My good friend [KFF]Maddog's site supporting the speed mod