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Brothers of the Third Wheel, WV Division


Who We Are


Welcome to the West Virginia Brothers of the Third Wheel website. We are a branch of the Brothers of the Third Wheel. Their website can be accessed by clicking here . We are a group of trike enthusiasts, who enjoy building and riding these wonderful machines. Trikes are usually described as a cross between a motorcycle and a car. Most of our members have built their trikes from the ground up. You can see their trikes in the Picture Gallery . Information on how to join and and other contact information is available on the Credits Page . Any events or meetings that may be of interest to other trikers in West Virginia are listed on the Events Page . You can find links to other websites of interest to trikers on the Links Page .

New! - Check the Events for some details on the Thunder in the Mountains Trike-in. Some of our members will be there, hopefully with cameras.

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08-17-99 - We have been awarded the Great Trike Sites Award! Thanks Ox! We will display it proudly!


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© 2000 Brothers of the Third Wheel, WV Chapter / Garry Blevins
This is a chapter of Brothers of the Third Wheel