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peopel have been to this page since...well...whenever I made this page. I know for a fact that it was in 1999, but I'm not sure which month...

Enter Half-Elf's Domain

Hullo! Ok, I've decided that this will be a complete role-playing page. I don't know how to make forms, but I will have a link here so you can go to a page with a list of requirments to make a character. I'll have a page for Animorphs RPG characters, Dragonlance characters, sci-fi characters, and fantasy characters. The only thing you need to enter this page and interact is a character. I will have a rule on my chat rooms to please ignore any without a character, ecxept in my only non-RPG chat; I will also have a request on my MBs (except, once again, my non-RPG MB) to not leave a message unless you will be in character.

This is a page where you may let your imagination run wild and not be restrained on any point. You can be a dragon-tamer, a morph-capable, sentient peice of wood, you can be a blood-sucking being that looks like a dagger. Or, you could be a half-elven mercinary-mage, hunted my the Conclave, trained in the use of any weapon. So, enjoy!

Enter Here

Informations equirements for a Dragonlance character or a fantasy character

Information...Blah blah...For Animorphs or Sci-fi Character
