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Hi! My name is Robin (aka SwtnSxy). I am 32 years old and from West Virginia. I have been married for 12 years and have 2 beautiful little girls.

My husband, Johnny, was my high school sweetheart. Johnny is a wonderful man and a great dad to our two little girls. He and I know each other very well and are really best friends. He is a very sweet man and I love him a lot.

As a family, we enjoy going to the movies, out for ice cream, going to amusement parks and walking in the mountains.

My nickname on irc is SwtnSxy - which was chosen for me by my husband (so quit laughing). We have had a lot of fun on the net and have been online over three years now. We have made a lot of "online" friends - some of which we have had the opportunity to meet in real life. The best friend that I have in the whole world has to be credited to the internet. If I had never been on the net, I would have never met him. Although in all honesty, I must admit that I have met a lot of weirdos online too! I wouldn't change it for the world though. It has been a lot of fun.

I love to go for long walks, fourwheeling, shopping (of course) and listening to music (almost all kinds). I love to go rollerblading when I get the chance, but I am not very good at it. It is fun trying though even though I sometimes fall down. :-) The pictures on this page were taken in the beautiful West Virginia state. The mountains here are absolutely beautiful. We may live in a very small community but sometimes it is very comforting to know most of the people who live in your area.

My favorite collection thing is Eeyore. I have so many Eeyores in my bedroom that I don't know if I have a place to put anymore. I think he is absolutely adoreable in his sad little way. Those of you who actually know me can understand how I relate to him so easily. My favorite show is when he thinks everyone has forgotten his birthday. I remember sitting in my living room one day and crying as I watched it cause he was so sad. (So I am sentimental and emotional - I just can't help it!) To see more on Eeyore click on the Fun link below!

Romance is something that is very important to me. Everyone should feel special, loved and wanted. See my link below for tips on Romance.

Thank you for visiting my page and I hope that you look at the other pages I have as well as my friends' pages and other links listed on a separate page.

:-) My Other Pages :-)

My Pride and Joy!
^My Hubby
My Best Friend
Tips on Romance
SwtnSxy's Fun Page !
Great Links! They are cool!
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