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Welcome To The Unofficial Stardust Cruisers Ltd. Car Club's Web Page


Welcome to the Stardust Cruisers Ltd Car Club's Unofficial Web Site, Check out the links below.......  

Updated on January, 8th, 2006

Who are the the Stardust Cruisers Ltd. car club?

Under Construction

Revised on January, 8th, 2006

Founded in 1994 by Ronald S Reed, the Stardust Cruisers Ltd. is a car club based out of Buckhannon, West Virginia. The club is open to all types of cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.. The club's goal is to promote the preservation of special interest automobiles, and good clean family fun and activities. "No Alcohol" is ever allowed at any of the events or meetings. The club is out for a good time driving down "memory lane".

Members attend various car shows and cruz'ins all over the area as well as in the surrounding states. The club has one really large car show each spring during the West Virginia Strawberry Festival in Buckhannon West Virginia. The club has also sponsored social gatherings throughout the year for it's members, as well as bi-weekly meetings. These provide time to get to talk and enjoy others with the same interests.

The Stardust Cruisers Ltd. car club is also involved in the State of W.Va's. sponsored "Adopt-a-Hi-Way" program. This involves the members picking up trash along side of the road. This is one of the many things that the club does in our community.

Remember the Good Old Days?

Remember cruisin’ on Friday nite? Remember your first car? Remember the sock hop? Remember Cherry Cokes at the drive-in? Remember Route Sixty-six? Remember 15-cent hamburgers and 35-cent double features? We’re not 18 any more, hamburgers aren’t 15 cents, Cherry Coke comes in aluminum cans, Route 66 is a memory, and movies are $7.50! But the good old days are NOW! We still cruise, we still have great cars, and sometimes we even have a sock hop! But ours is a club that lives in the present.

"In Memory of Neale Thacker"

One of the original members of the Stardust Cruisers has past away. Current club Vice President, Neale Thacker. Neale Thacker was a good friend to me as well as my boss for 15 years. I worked for Neale Thacker at the Triangle Service Station from May, 1982 till September of 1997. He was very supportive of the car club and the community. He was a very kind man who helped many people when times were toughs. He repaired peoples automobiles knowing full well that he would most likely not get paid right away if at all. The Triangle Service Station was such a great place to work because of Neale. I learned a lot from Neale about how to treat customers and employees and how to run a business. I feel that Neale was one of the nicest people in Buckhannon. He moved back to Buckhannon from Massillon Ohio in 1957 and bought the Triangle Service Station. He has made many friends over the years by working with the public. He was well liked by the students at WVWC as well as their parents who liked the idea that Neale's Service Station was just that, a service station, not a "beer and stuff" place for the students to spend their parents money by putting it on their credit cards.

Neale Thacker will be missed by all who knew him.


Please sign the guest book and keep on cruis'n!!!

Please contact me, Ronald Reed at

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Write the Stardust Cruisers Ltd. car club at;

PO Box 2341
Buckhannon, W.Va. 26201

Links To Other Stuff !!!!!

City of Buckhannon
The Pride of Upshur County, B-U Marching Band
Miami Florida's live news online, cruise all year long!!!
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