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Welcome to Nigel & Sharon's World...

Nigel & Sharon's World...

PLEASE Sign my guestbook! Well here we are! I guess I should tell you a bit about us! We lived in a small country setting in Wicklow Co. Ireland This is the union of two countries, I'm Canadian and he is Irish and we fell in love! He is the absolute love of my life, my sunshine and my happiness! I Thank God that we met under some incredible circumstances in Sept. `96. I was 20 and he was 25. How romantic eh? We were married November 9, 1997 at the Halifax SDA church in Nova Scotia, Canada. We lived on a farm with sheep and cows in one of the most beautiful places on this earth, nestled in the Wicklow mountains...almost as nice as Nova Scotia..*jk*

We are Seventh-Day Adventists and if any of you don't know what that is then feel free to ask me sometime. There is a great website about a local SDA church in Ballinacrow designed by a good friend of mine, it will give you a great insight on Adventism..

Our families are very important to us, I come from a family of six children and Nigel comes from a family of 5 kids.

We have 3 kids.. In March 1999 we moved back to Canada and adopted our son Liam. In 2000 our daughter Elizabeth came along and last but not least our baby Declan came along a year to the day later from Elizabeth in 2001.

My Family is very musical and we have put out our first Cd 'The Slaunwhites', a compilation of some of our favourite hymns.

Our nieces and nephews are precious to us and our kids. We have five nieces and 18 nephews! It's fantastic!

Before I say anything more, please sign my guestbook at the bottom and tell me where you are from!...Thanks..

My Favorite Links

Our Wedding Photos...
My husband's baptism photo page..
Some photos of my nieces and nephews
The Graves' Page
My Brother Dave's Homepage
Some of Nigel's interests..
My sister in-law's Homepage...
Seventh Day Adventist Youthpages
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Halifax Herald Online
Halifax Seventh Day Adventist Church
The Irish Times Online

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" For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, ...nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38,39 KJV


Association of Christian Web Authors

All background graphics by Marvelicious...Website updated July 2004